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love you guys. xD

Undyne had led everyone on a slightly long walk to a castle that, from what you had heard, was the Kings palace. That was a little intimidating and you had silently wished that Frisk was with this group, so they could make a good impression for them and you.

But they were with Alphys, learning how to mend wounds... I suppose that's more their speed.

That speed is called no speed, backwards speed, that doesn't help the world progress, progress is through learning from others mistakes not retries.

Chara hinted at you.

But, you didn't bother to respond, because there you stood at the foot of the castle looking up, trying to swallow the imaginary lump in your throat.

You groaned slightly as the doors opened for you all and everyone everyone began to file in. Your nervousness was getting the better of you as started to feel like you were suffocating with the castle looming above you. "Oh god."

You were about to turn around and go, but Sans put an arm out and blocked you, raising a non existent eyebrow. "Not thinking about bailing are you?" He said with a teasing smirk.

You frowned at the ground "...yes..."

"Is it because King Asgore killed a bunch of little humans and took their souls?" Sans asked casually. You stared at him in shocked horror, your mouth ajar and your eyes wide along with a frown. "NO!" Sans permanent smile then flattened out as much as you had ever seen as panic filled his sockets, knowing he fucked up. "Fuck, I didn't even know that!" You yelled, even more nervous now, with the fear of making such a bad impression he killed you on the spot and took your dank ass soul for his collection.

You began to high tail it outta there.

"C'mon Y/n!" Sans called out after you.

He appeared in front of you.

You screamed and jumped back.

"You can't outrun me." He chuckled, you raised your eyebrows seriously "oh yeah? watch me!"

With that you went around him and ran for it.

Sans shook his head with his boney hands stuffed into his fuzzy pockets and slouched with a tilted grin. He sighed and let himself get swallowed up in a blue mist, only for him and the mist to appear 5 metres behind you, it happened again and he was only 2 metres. So looking back and watching that happen was a bit creepy. He easily kept up with you too, he even looked bored.

Finally you didn't want to run anymore and haunched over. A poof sound could be heard close by, you had looked over just in time to see the mist disappear with Sans in its place. You looked up at him, while he chuckled lightly at you. A frown crossed your expression and you looked back over your shoulder, only to see the castle was not even five steps behind you.

"Wait... What?" You panted. "I-I ran like, at least a click!" You pointed out toward the way you were running. Then brought your hand towards him. "A-And, and you weren't even... moving!"

San shrugged with a sly smile in place. "I already caught you. So why would I have to run after you?" He said with amusement threading through each word. Only then it dawned on you that he wasn't chasing you. He wasn't chasing you, he was bringing you back.

You stood straight up and face palmed with a groan.

"Don't worry." He said as he slung his arm over your shoulders. You looked towards him. "The king won't hurt someone who is helping his people, he's pretty much the most reasonable monster down here."

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