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You kept your head rested on Sans shoulder, it wasn't the familiar feel of his usual soft, fluffy blue sweater, it felt a bit more classy and less laid back. Although it was a bit different it had a sort of an adultish feel to it.

You know what Y/n, you holding out on giving me some of your soul is sort of a waste of time, and precious time at that.

Chara was especially talkative right now and you really got to know how much of an asshole they were, so there was another thing you weren't exactly used to yet, well, to be fair you still weren't quite used to anything here and still sort of in denial of Ike's death. You silently wished that you never set foot on the mountain because so far it had only caused hurt for you, loss of life for Ike, power for Chara, harm for Undyne and Alphys and confusion and most likely false hope for Sans.

A deep breath filled your lungs as you snuggled closer into Sans neck. But you would be lying if you said you didn't like anything about the under ground. Sans sort of grunted as you moved closer into him and a faint blush dusted both of your cheeks. "You okay there Kid?" The skeleton asked. His deep voice rumbled out in a gravely tone and sent a bit of a shiver down your spine, one of which he felt against him, causing his heart squirm a bit.

"Yeah, I'm good." You buried your face deeper into his shoulder. "Just thinking." You mumbled out. Sans leaned his head onto yours gently while you both danced close together. "Now I'm curious." He said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

A smile slid onto your face as a little huff of laughter came from you. You desided not to burden him with your silly little troubles that aren't all that silly or little. You quickly tried to think of a lie.

What about that s/c worm thing As-Flowey was controlling to destroy that lab?

"I'm thinking about that thing that Flowey controlled to destroy Aphys' lab." Said, taking Chara's advise unconsciously. You cursed yourself for doing what Chara said, even if it was just a white lie it made you feel... gross on the inside. But then actually did start to think about it, it seemed so out of the blue and uncanny. The skeleton hummed in response to your lie (which was turning into the truth) and nodded a bit "Yeah, that thing didn't come from the underground, it looked like it was from Hell."

You pulled away from him and stared up into his eyes, or for better words, lack there of. "It looked kinda like me."

Sans frowned, but couldn't quite make it look serious due to his permanent smile "Kid, don't beat yourself up like that, you are way better looking th-"

"No, I mean my skin you dunce." You said with a quiet chuckle

Sans nodded with the frown washing away and his smile turning true "heh yeah I know, I was just teasing."

Did you see that guy just biff it with that girl?

You attempted to think of something el-

Oh god! He spilt his drink all over her boobs! And she thinks he meant too!! But she is just too fucking drunk to even know what's going on!! Ha Ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha haa!!!

This child was really getting on your nerves, so much in fact that you could barely appreciate that someone was currently (and voluntarily) slow dancing with you. But you were a bit curious and looked over to find that what Chara said was true and a short light green monster who closely resembled an antelope was starting down at her sparkly white dress in shock, as it had a large stain on the breast area while the guy monster who looked like a tall leprechaun of some sort, laughing his drunk ass off.

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