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[4372 words... Eekkk!]

Play this song when you feel like you're about to kick some ass.


Hah... Haha,

Your stomach dropped to your feet as the world around you became silent, hauntingly quiet.

They're all going to die Y/n
They'll be S L A U G H T E R E D !

Another screech filled all of the ears around and they got ready, stabilizing their stances. While the determination was strong within them, so was their fear.

Asgore set the bear woman down and turned towards the wall with a fearless look on his face while holding his trident, firmly in the dusty Earth.

The shuffling of armour sounded as Undyne stepped to the front of the army of monsters and stood next to the King. She took one look at Asgore, who spared her a glance and a nod.

She then readied her troops with a simple raise of her blue spear as they all quickly got into formation among the other monsters as to evenly spread them out with the civilian monsters who were also wearing some armour. It was not as heavy duty for some on request, like Grillby who didn't want any armour.

The screeching began to get louder and louder but the most horrifying thing was the fact that the screeching could be heard in more than one place.

Your heart pumped excruciatingly fast and made it all your ears could focus on. A sudden screech from behind you made both you and Sans (and most other monsters) jump and turn on it on high alert.

The was a bushel of spiked vines crawling out from beneath the soil as it thrashed around violently, scratching a few others but had lethally cut a monster from shoulder to leg, and instantly killed him, already claiming a life and leaving a pile of haunting dust behind.

A few cried out, but they had no time to mourn before possessed spiders meant to be dead, dropped from the stone filled ceiling and swiped at the monsters. From what you could tell there were vines inside of them.

Some were only visible if you noticed the unnatural growths webbing their way all about under the skin, while most were far more grotesque, getting vines to pour out of three of their eye sockets or falling out of their mouth, or just bursting through the dead flesh in clumps. What was worse was the greenery didn't seem to be attached to anything out side of the body, so extracting the vines would be close to impossible.

At the sight of these unholy creations an enraged shout could be heard coming from a monster which looked to be a spider you realized was Muffet.

You couldn't begin to be able to comprehend what she must be feeling at the sight of all her brothers and sisters bodies brought back from the dead in such a way to do someone else's bidding, to fight against her with all those memories she'd have of them.

Finally the flowery fuck showed himself wearing a sadistic grin on his face. He sat atop a what looked like a TV stuck inside a large confusion of vines and tubes, and on either side of it sat what looked to be skinned animal jaws along with what looked to be eerily similar to human eyes. The monstrosity crawled over the pretty much useless castle walls in a smooth, unsettling pace with its enormous green paws like the wall wasn't even there and landed on the ground on the other side.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't the three amigos Sans, Undyne, King Asgore. Although I gotta say I'm a bit surprised you're actually here, I think I'm getting star struck!" He mocked putting his leaf arm to his forehead. The King frowned at the little prick and yelled out "What do you want?!"

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