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Sans gruff voice heaved a sigh, he really didn't want to say anything, but you urged him to keep going.

"So there was once this human, named Chara. They were a quiet one, but, they were not the kindest towards anyone. Not even their adoptive family, Toriel, Asgore and Asriel Dreemurr. They often got into trouble, and I knew they were no good, so I kept a distance between them and Papyrus." his slipped his hands out of yours and pulled his legs off of yours and dangled over the ledge of what you were lying on.

"They were killed by a sickness know by the humans as cancer, but not before they asked to go back to the surface. So as a dying wish I suppose, Asriel joined souls with Chara and they went through the barrier together. He set the human in the flowers of their hometown, and then they died. The humans saw the child's limp body in Asriels arms and thought thought he killed them. So his life was taken by them too, but it took a bit longer for him as he made his way back to the underground, only to die outside the castle.

"It was was tragic day for the under ground, especially for the monarchs, the Dreemurrs." Sans dropped his head down grimly. "Two children in one day... how could you go through that."

You didn't answer him, but you listened intently to the tale.

He looked over at you with sad eyes "Then Frisk came down and saved us all from this place."

You cocked your head to the side.

"The other human."

"Oh, okay." you nodded at him to keep going. He looked away from you again back to his hands that lay on his lap.

"Anyway, Frisk came down and saved us all. I thought we were all going to live happily ever after, until one day, I woke up and I was back underground. Papyrus was making Spaghetti, and his words 'Sans you lazy bones! Get up! My spaghetti is almost fully cooked!'" Sans imitated his brother half-heartedly before slouching again. "It's happened more times than I care to admit, or even can remember." he laughed lightly to himself.

"You could imagine my surprise the first time." You could only offer a smile, a weak one at that.

"It was pretty bone rattling. But, I made it to the same end. I figured it was just a serious case of deja-vu, I even thought I could see the future for a bit there. But the third time it happened I ran around like I was crazy. Tellin' everyone we were stuck down here in a time loop. It scared some, but most brushed it off. It was the same for the next few times the reset happened, but soon I just gave up, figuring I'd just be stuck. I had accepted this was my life, always eating spaghetti, jumping through hoops that don't even matter."

Sans looked up at the door across the barren white room and muttered "I only realized that it was the human Frisk who controlled the resets, It stung to think Frisk was the one behind my suffering, and they knew it, but what stung even more was when they came down and decided to kill all the monsters in the Underground, maybe to change it up. They just couldn't get enough of us in any sort of way.

"I had a good feeling that this would never change, even after realizing that it could." he looked over his shoulder at you with a soft smile.

"Until you came down, out of the blue and gave me hope." he looked away from you, the smile lingered on his face as if he were daydreaming and his gaze looked at peace. "You were courageous, caring, good looking and had a witty sense of humour. You were distracting." a faint blue appeared on his face as he spoke so fondly of you, but him speaking in past tense made you frown a bit.

"I, well... to be honest kid, I loved you." his deep voice said gently, you could detect pain in his tone as his head dipped lower. "And by the looks o' things, you loved me too."

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now