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The world seemed to twist and swirl all around you. Trippy to say the least, and In less than a blink of an eye you were at the waterfall in the dark and damp, blue place. You looked around, your eyes spotted a familiar large and spikes vine that had originated from the flower you had quickly grown to loath. You let out a sigh of exasperation, tired of being in the blue place for so long before and definitely not thrilled to be back. You turned towards Sans with an unimpressed expression "Sans, I'd really like to try and forget what happened last time I was here with you and cried all over you."

His gravely voice rumbled in a little low laugh "Well that's funny, cuz I really don't." His permanent smile turned to a little goofy grin. He looked over your shoulder at the vine then back to you. "C'mon." He stepped back and rolled his head in the direction he was about to go. You tugged on Ike's toque string and started to followed along with the intriguing, boney monster.

The sound of rushing water died down to just drips and drops, along with the odd time it trickled. Sans led the way farther and farther into the dark, the moisture in the air made it hard to breath and you started to get a little claustrophobic, your rate of breathing started to get ragged and shallow. You balled your hand around a big amount of fabric of Sans shoulder. He looked back at his shoulder then to you and secretly laughed to himself, but hid the feeling of butterflies in his chest by turning his gaze away from you.

"Hey, uh... Y/n?"

You were looking all over, hoping to catch a glimpse of something different than rocky blue walls "what!?" You asked frantically, feeling stress rise up throughout your body. Everything here looked exactly the same. Before Sans could say what he was about to you spoke up once again, cutting him off. "Where are we going? And is it very far because I'm not sure how much more of this I can take."

The skeleton's grin grew "Just around the river bend."

Your mind stopped for a moment then you looked at Sans with a questioning look. He looked back at you with a smirk then back to the road ahead of him "There are a surprising amount of Disney movies washed up down here." You cracked a smile "aww, Sans likes the cutesy kiddy movies." Sans rolled his eyes with an undeniable smile "Yeah, to be honest I think my favourite one is Bambi."

You gaped and stopped walking for a moment "No way!" You said with wide eyes then jogged to catch up to him, walking along by his side. He shrugged "I don't know, I just was always so fascinated with how badly Bambi walked." A chuckle escaped him as he started to imagine it again "Sometimes I'd laugh for hours about it!" You smiled at him and almost laughed too "I can actually imagine you just sitting in front of a tv and keep re-watching a deer fumble over its own body." Sans laughed more and his smile became huge as he closed his eyes with laughter "Great! Now I'm thinking about it!" You started to giggle until something ahead of you both caught your eye.

There stood a big, twisting white tree with blue flowers that dangled down in strands like a weeping willow, the wet dew on its flowers shone against the white base with little scarce traces of grass and a little blue river poured itself down from a hole that traced the edge of the tunnel you had just travelled through then emptied into a deep pond behind the tree "Wow..." You muttered in astonishment, your eyes glided along every detail of the beautiful area.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Sans said as he walked to the tree and pushed apart the draping flowers and walked in behind it like one of those bead doors that were always in movies from the '70s.

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now