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Froggit and you trudged along in the snow, both of you were quiet.

Your mind seemed only to just float to what happened when leaving that little snowy town.

If you said it didn't frighten you, you'd be lying. You had zoned out for only a moment and immediately your body seemed get possessed, like when your concessions isn't paying attention something slithers in and takes control, it almost happen a few moments ago as well.

You tried not to think about it too much, but you could tell Froggit was still rolling it around in his mind, examining each aspect of the outburst of energy, and the strange shocked look in your eyes when he called you back, hour had seen that surprised look before. He knew something was up, you could tell.

When he just started to warm up to you he could walk beside you, or even in front, offering his back to you in a sign of trust, but now he strictly trails behind at a safe distance.

It hurt you to think that he didn't trust you anymore, but you couldn't say you could trust yourself all too much either.

As you both walked farther, your surroundings started to get a little dark and muggy and the snow on the ground started to thin out till it black dirt was revealed. You smiled a bit to yourself, it was much warmer here so you were rather happy about that, but it was so warm all of a sudden you started to sweat a great deal with your 2 sweaters and hat on.

You trudged on, your back pack in your hand as you pulled both sweaters over your head.

Sadly you had not thought it through and both your sweaters got stuck above your head, you felt your shirt go up with them too. You growled and spun around, trying to pull them both off successfully but keep your shirt on.

"Need some help?"

You turned to where the voice had come from, still unable to see.

"Could you?" your tone of was full of hopefulness, which made the other laugh, although it was only a little it warmed your heart for some reason, making your ears and face feel hot.

You started to actually feel a bit self conscious and started to wriggle around anxiously.

You felt a cold stick like thing curl around your shirt that had folded up to your chest, you could feel it's chilled essence graze against your skin, it made you shiver a bit.

The stick got more friends just like it as it pulled your shirt back over your body.
Oh no. That's a hand... and the only hand like that belongs to-

The sweaters were pulled off over your head and you were face to face with-


You were a bit unsure how to react to him getting so close to your unclothed stomach. Your hands were still up in the sweaters, he looked at you with a confused look "you gonna pull your arms out? I can't actually reach that high." his smile was lopsided, as if wondering if he should even be there.

Pulling your hands out of the inside-out sleeves, you tilted your head to the side questioningly and brought your sweaters to your body "Why are you here?" the words were a bit to-the-point as but you didn't care, as far as you knew, Sans and you didn't trust one another.

He gestured towards a little hut, similar to the one you had almost froze to death in. "I have to work."

A lie.

"How did you get here so fast? And before me?"

He rolled his shoulders back and stuck his hands in his pockets. "I know a lot of shortcuts."

Dropped (original 2015-2018)Where stories live. Discover now