Part 2--- Damn dream---

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 12/10/2033 FRIDAY


I had a very strange dream that jolted me out of my deep sleep. It was a very strange dream I had no idea what was happening

I dreamed of some strange aliens in robot suits destroying planet Earth and making their planet. I didn't know the real reason why, but that's why I don't care about that dream

I immediately got out of bed rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock, when I realized what time it was, I realized that I was late for school. I got out of bed, changed, packed my things, and ran outside.

I ran like crazy just so I wouldn't be late for school. I prayed to the dear god not to be late, have mercy on me, God, please. I ran into the bus like a madman, sat down, and prayed that I wouldn't be late. It was very stuffy on the bus, with lots of unfamiliar faces. The bus was moving very slowly, which made me even more excited.

After 10 minutes of slow driving, I got off the bus and continued on my way, I saw my school from afar, but in the meantime, I fell, I didn't even notice that my foot got stuck on the curb, I couldn't believe what a fool I had become. I got up and continued. When I arrived at the school, I entered the school and ran up the stairs, the school was big with a lot of floors where it could accommodate a lot of students, my first subject was on the fifth floor of that big school. I started with quick steps from the stairs on the fifth floor. On every floor, I got stuck on one step, which slowed me down. I went up to the fifth floor, where my current class was. I slowly entered the fifth classroom on the right, then I stopped and knocked on the door. I heard my teacher's voice telling me to come in. I entered and was greeted by the professor

professor: why are you late? young man

Amar: I'm sorry, professor, that I'm late for your lecture. There was a crowd at the intersection and I was slowed down on my way to school (I was lying).

professor: really?

Amar: yes professor, I wouldn't lie

after a long silence looking into each other's eyes

professor: you can attend my class, but don't be late in the future.

Amar: Okay, professor, thank you

I thanked him and took my seat without saying anything. I took things out of my backpack and started to follow the class.

After the three subjects in school that I spent, I started to think about the dream I had. Sometimes your dream may be true and sometimes not. What if these extraterrestrials exist, I wonder how many times I've had some dreams that didn't come true and were very stupid, so this one won't come true either because there are no other beings besides us in this universe. So I don't have to worry about that. what fool would fall for that stupidity from a dream? A dream is something for me, the stupidest thing I could imagine. You dream about some damn things that you know will never happen. Was it something beautiful, something real, something stupid, anything? A dream can sometimes make you a big fool. every man who thinks that his dream, which he dreamed, will come true, then in the end nothing of it will happen. you made a fool of yourself.

After the eight hours, I spent at school, in the boring school I've been studying for several years, the bell rang for the end, I picked up my things from the table and headed home the same way.

I enter the apartment, enter, throw my things, and sit on the couch.

"What a busy day," I exclaimed. I shouldn't have stayed awake at that time of night. I was angry with myself, with the plans that I had. I was angry for various reasons. I thought to myself that I was the biggest fool for having such plans until after midnight. I slowly got out of bed and went to my room, I lay there for a few minutes, and then I fell asleep. Every day I was more and more tired, and sleepy. the same thing was repeated every day. Like a fool, I always thought that my next day would be even better than this one. I couldn't think anymore about these boring things that I didn't care about. I fell asleep at the end of all this

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