Part 19--- Attack on the Airport---

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After Arzine tried to capture Amar the same evening, her plan soon failed and she retreated. Robin along with General Daniel and several soldiers arrive at the hospital where they find Amar wounded once again. Robin no longer had the option of leaving Amar alone anywhere. The only thing Robin could do was take Amar somewhere far, far away where no one could find him. Robin thought carefully about which place would suit him, but was it safe. Robin was full of nerves because of everything that happened today. Robin couldn't stand an enemy that constantly attacks one target anymore. Robin remembered a settlement far from the Urban settlement. A small town called Downhill Town, surrounded by hills, various waterfalls and various nature parks. It is very far from the Urban settlement.

Robin: (looks at Amar, but addresses the soldier next to him) Soldier!

Soldier: Tell me, sir!

Robin: what's your name!

Soldier: My name is Zachary Sir!

Robin: Zachary... I have a task for you!

Zachary: Say?

Robin: Do you see that young man lying there with his wounds!

Zachary: Yes, I see you

Robin: Your task is to take this young man to Downhill Town and drop him off at a hotel at my expense.

Zachary: ok!

Robin: Here's my account and this message for you to give to Amar, then head back to base!

Zachary: ok, what do you say!

Robin: now, take this car and drive it.

Zachary: ok! and what will we do with the enemy?

Robin: The enemy will disappear now or never. go now the sooner you go the better for you

Zachary: ok!

Zachary goes to the car while Robin goes to Amar and picks him up and carries him to the car

Robin: everything will be fine, just sleep Amar

Robin: Zachary!

Zachary: Tell me sir!

Robin: Good luck, go now.

Zachary: okay.

Zachary started the car and drove slowly to his location, Robin only had one thing to do. Destroy the enemy.

General Daniel : Robin! he wants to start, but the sun hasn't risen yet

Robin: (angrily silent) let's go!

Robin and General Daniel go to the battlefield together with the rest of the soldiers

Robin: How long were you in preparation?

General Daniel: Well... we only have armored vehicles for the assault unit and a few thousand soldiers.

Robin: what about the tanks?

General Daniel: tanks?

Robin: what if they have some machines like this new technology?

General Daniel: if they are, we will destroy them with planes.

Robin: What's your tactic?

General Daniel: Operation Red Shine. Our five units will attack from the front and rear of the enemy, while the other 8 units will attack from the flanks. They must surrender before we attack them

Robin: OK, which unit do I lead?

General Daniel: Robin? do you know that because of your way of thinking you were temporarily kicked out of the army?

Robin: so what... just put me in some unit, at least get kicked out!!!

General Daniel: Okay... but it's your fault...

Robin: Okay!

General Daniel: you will lead an Alpha team that will attack you from the front and enter the enemy base.

Robin: Okay! as you say!

As time passed, the sun was a little late in rising. Robin and General Daniel together with several soldiers arrived at their positions and each one to his part of the job.

The attack on the military airport is one of the biggest and deadliest attacks on the treacherous army known as the Scorpions in recent years. It all happened one cloudy morning, when the State Army managed to forcibly pass through the perimeter of the airport and launch an attack on the enemy military forces stationed there. As a result of this attack, many people lost their lives, and even more were wounded.

As we have already mentioned, the attack took place during a cloudy morning, when the State Army managed to break through the perimeter of the military airport and surround the enemy. Using several improvised bombs and many heavy weapons and armored vehicles, they managed to surprise the enemy soldiers who were there. Immediately after the attack, the enemy soldiers tried to defend themselves, but the State Army was well organized and armed, which quickly led the enemy to retreat.

The situation at the military airport became critical, and the enemy was forced to retreat into the buildings. The state army continued its attacks, and the situation became worse and worse. Many soldiers were wounded, and some lost their lives. It was obvious that the situation at the airport would become even more dramatic if the enemy soldiers did not surrender.

during this time Robin, leading his Alpha Team, managed to break through and enter the Airport where they pinned down the enemy forces with the support of the Rapid Reaction Armored Vehicles.

Various bomb explosions and various things could be heard from afar.

Robin and his team enter the base and inflict a great loss on the enemy. Soon they captured General David and ended the battle. The battle for the airport lasted for 2 hours, bloody andheavy battle.

The attack ends by winning State armies on enemies.

Mean while Zachary brought Amar to Downhill Town where he put him up in a hotel and left the letter Robin gave him and then leaves.

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