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time:   20 : 50 p.m

After Robin and Amar went to Robin's place. that place was unbelievable. such beautiful things all in one place. Robin wanted to rent land so that he could build a cottage in that beautiful place, if that ever happened. Robin and Amar slowly returned home, tired and exhausted from everything and the adventures they experienced today. After several hours of driving, they arrived back at their home. we got out of the car carrying our things that were in bags. Robin unlocks the house and Amar opens the door. Robin went to drive the car into the garage, while Amar entered the house and left things on the table and laid on the couch to rest. Then Robin enters the house and closes the door. he entered the living room and sat down on the armchair.

Robin : uffff... home sweet home. there is nothing more beautiful than coming home from a tiring journey.

me yes . my legs fell off, I don't feel them at all, they just hurt

Robin: let's read it.

Me: I'm going to leave things in the room so I can unpack them later.

Robin : Okay

I slowly go to the second floor carrying several bags of clothes and enter my room and gently leave things by the door. I close them and go back to the living room.

me: hey Robin!

Robin: Tell me, what do you need?

me: do we have anything for dinner?

Robin : ohhhh. Now you tell me that.

me: what happened?

Robin: what happened. forgot to buy groceries for dinner.

me: it doesn't matter, we can do it tomorrow.

Robin: I'm going to the kitchen to see what else is left so I can make dinner.

me: ok.

Robin goes to the kitchen to make something for dinner.

While Amar returns to the couch again and lies down on his back. resting your legs from long walks.

after 10 minutes, Robin and Amar don't know what kind of meal is in store for them outside. that's why a black van stops in front of their house, a few meters away. it was a big van. 12 soldiers get out of the van together with Arzina.

Arzina: okay guys, quiet down now. apparently they came back from the road. let's arrange ourselves like this.

you two snipers will be occupied by those two bastards. let one go to the left and the other to the right. ok,

snipers: okay (go to their positions)

Arzina: there are six of us here, five of you and six of me. have the two of them go to the middle where those two colleagues are and wait for my signal to attack.

2 soldiers: all right (go to their positions)

Let Arza's other two go to the side of the house and, like them, wait for my signal

the next two soldiers: all right (go to their positions)

Arzina: you paramedics go to the other side of the house and wait for my signal

2 paramedics: valid (go to their positions)

Arzina: you two also go behind the house so that no one can escape and wait for my sign.

2 soldiers: all right boss!! ( go to their positions )

Arzina: this is the end of you, little one, once and for all.

Arzina: like this guys (speaks over the radio), when the nine o'clock show starts we start shooting at them, did you hear that?

others: okay

on the other hand while Amar is lying on the couch resting.

As the minutes passed, minute after minute. second by second. while one side was ready and tense just waiting for the signal to fire while on the other side Robin and Amar are resting in the house not knowing that they will be attacked

Soon it was nine o'clock in the evening.

Robin walks towards Amar. Amar gets up from the couch and then Robin notices something strange.

Robin : Hey Amar, it's almost dinner......

me: it's great (Amar gets up from the couch)

Robin : stop !!

me: what happened

Robin : don't move !!!

me : Robin !! what happened you are worrying me ?? (a red dot appears on Amar's target)

Robin : oh no!!!

me : ROBINE ???!!! tell me what's going on!!

Robin : lie down now !!

me: what???

Robin: LAY DOWN NOW!!!

me: okay okay buddy!!

As soon as he bent down, the car broke the window and passed over Amar's head


Robin : head down !!!

Arzina pov

Arzina: it's nine o'clock, open fire!!!!

the enemies opened fire. bullets were flying in all directions. destroyed everything in front of them: windows, doors, walls.

they had no mercy

Robin pov

Robin : Amar don't get up !!! crawl to me now!!

Amar slowly crawling from above his head, bullets fly in all directions.

me: what is this!!! what's happening !!!!

Robin : they are attacking us !!

me: who??

Robin : they !!

me : who they !!

Robin : Scorpions !!

me : who are these people

Robin: I told you yesterday or today you know it yourself !!!

(a bullet passes by their head)

Robin takes out the phone, calls someone

Robin: hello base, this is gray eagle, reception!!!

base ;: here is a white cloud, I hear you reception!!

Robin: we are attacked, I repeat WE ARE ATTACKED!!!

base: okay, reinforcements will arrive in half an hour.

me : Robin !! what are we going to do now !!

ROBIN: Do you know how to shoot a gun?!!!!

me: so weak

Robin gives the gun to Amar.

Robin: ok now listen to me I called reinforcement. if they don't come in less than half an hour, we're done. that's why we're going to fire back at them ok!!

me: ok

Robin and Amar returned fire to the enemies. It was a very frightening shooting by two sides.

me: so weak

Robin gives the gun to Amar.

Robin: ok now listen to me I called reinforcement. if they don't come in less than half an hour, we're done. that's why we're going to fire back at them ok!!

me: ok

Robin and Amar returned fire to the enemies. It was a very frightening shooting by two sides.

will robin and amar manage to survive this nasty shooting or not ,we will find out in the next part.

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