Part 37--- little break , so lets move on

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Robin and Zack slowly pass and walk down the flat meadow, moving next to the forest.

while they were walking slowly on the road on their left side down the plain, you could see: barricades, tanks, destroyed vehicles on the road. The view of that part was dead-cold.

The meadow that was green is now black and turned into ashes, the beautiful fragrant flowers that decorated this meadow, they and their fragrance are gone.

Animals, bees, ants, birds...they are also gone, a desolation of the meadow.

the night slowly progressed, and the time outside was 10 o'clock in the evening.

the sound of grasshoppers, owls and nocturnal animals was no longer inhabited there. half of them left, half died from various weapons.

decorated houses where someone's family lived nicely and spent their life beautifully, now all that remains behind them are collapsed walls and burnt roofs

When you think that this life on earth is beautiful and that nothing will go wrong, it happens even worse than expected.

Robin and Zack walk down the meadow with slightly tired steps. Their tired legs gave out over time.

Robin: Zack! come on stand there

Zack: (he was scared because he thought he was going to be killed here) m-please.

Robin: Come on, stand there...

zack : in the office

Robin: I'm tired...ugh (sits down on the meadow).

Zack: (silent and watching Robin)

Robin: what happened, what happened?

Zack : I-I'm not

Robin: sit down!

Zack: (sits on the ground).

Robin: Holy God, what have we gotten ourselves into.

zack: (still silent and looking at Robin with a sad look)

Robin: what happened, he ate something too late.

zack: no i didn't.

Robin: come on then tell me, why are you sad?

Zack. no I did not ...

Robin: how are you? You can see it on your face. say what you are scared of.

Zack: Uh...

Robin: take it easy, take some time off.

Zack: uh... aren't you going to... finish me off here?

Robin : ???

Zack: I mean... aren't you going to kill me here...

Robin: kill you, .... I don't know... is it time for you to die?

zack : well.... you decide about me.

Robin: I don't know... how clever of me to kill.

Zack: (silent)

Robin: only if...

zack: (looks at robin) what if?

Robin: If you do something to me, maybe I'll have mercy on you and spare your life.

Zack: what is that?

Robin: just tell me some information... ok?

Zack: ok...

Robin. where is Nordan!

zack : From N-Nor?

Robin: yes, and where is he?

Zack: Uh...

Robin: come on, say it... or life or death... you decide.

Zack: (silent)

Robin: So you're not going to say where he is.

Zack: okay, I'll tell you where it is, but please don't kill me...

Robin: Come on, I'm waiting for your answer.

Zack: okay, okay.

Robin: I'm listening (prepares the gun)

Zack: Nordan .... he is currently on a continent called Africa.

Robin: Africa?

zack: yes... that's the continent the countrymen call it.

Robin: OK, and the location?

Zack: umm I don't know.

Robin: (points the gun at him) location boy, where is Nordan!

Zack: ummm

Robin: I count to three!

zack: (silent and looking at the gun)

Robin: One

zack : ummmmmm....

Robin: two

zack: ok, ok.... "2.0371°′S, 45.3438°′E " place : somalia , capital Mogadishu !!

Robin : (lowers weapon) good boy...give me your hands

Zack : holds out his hands

Robin: (unties the rope from Zack's hands) you are freedom

Zack: (shocked and can't believe what he's looking at)

Robin : what is ... come on go .... you are free !

Zack: (gets up from the ground and slowly starts running away from Robin, then stops a few meters away and looks at Robin)

Robin: what is it! what happened ... go about your business.

Zack: (looks back at the empty meadow, then back at Robin)

Robin: come on, go!!

Zack: (walks slowly back to Robin)

Zack : R-Robin

Robin: what do you want!

Zack: hey, please accept me as your soldier,

Robin: why!

Zack: Oh... I don't know where I'm going, I'm simply alone, and if my people find me, I'm dead

Robin: That's not my problem.

Zack: Robin... please... I'll help you with anything... just please let me help you with your mission. If you set me free, then at least let me repay you for it. please ....

Robin: (thinks and looks at Zack with cold eyes)

zack : please

Robin: okay, (gives his gun to Jack) here you go

Zack : ( takes Robin's weapon )

Robin : You deserve it

Zack: thank you!

Robin: let's go now, it's almost midnight

zack: ok, as you say sergeant!

Zack and Robin continue their search for Amar.

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