part 39- we have unwanted guests

39 1 0

Robin, Zack and I entered the cottage together with the prisoner, we placed the prisoner in the basement and tied him to a pipe that was well-fixed to the wall. Robin sat down on the cutting board in the corner of the living room.

Robin: uffffff .. this made me tired.

Zack: no more enemies? Is it .

Amar: none. only him

Robin: what a fool.

Amar: that idiot presented himself as a professional... I think

Robin: him?! ... he doesn't know anything.

Amar: He says that Nordan chose him to catch me.

Zack: Him?

Love: da

Zack: I find this suspicious

Robin: what do you think?

Zack : well I think that.... that this is some part of the trap?

Robin: How did you conclude that?

Zack: how can another foreigner be informed about this target

Robin: what does that have to do with it? of course only the chosen ones can

Zack: you see... who does Amar actually follow?

Robin : Arzina?

Zack: That's right, Nordan's daughter.

Robin: She hasn't appeared in a few days?

Amar: I think she gave up

Zack : no ... she won't give up until she catches you

Robin: wait .... you think this is some part of the trap.

Zack: it's a trap! someone had to send someone to check this area, in order for her to get information, where the target is actually located. Using that idiot.

Robin: (silent) it could be, but it doesn't depend

Zack: It depends, does Arzina have her own private task?

Robin: yes, yes, take Amar.

Zack: that's right (walks around) no stranger can find out about that task.

Robin: Yes, I?

Zack: how could that guy in the basement find out about Arza's mission?!

Robin: there is logic!

Zack: you see now... Arzina has already come up with a plan

Robin: what if it's not what you said?

Zack: then it can turn out that he heard about this from somewhere and wanted to prove himself!

Amar: you are right

Amar: I noticed before you how that guy behaves a little strangely. that he was actually sent personally...

Zack: He himself?

Amar: yes... personally from Nordan to catch me.

Zack: Well, that's it. brother wanted to prove that he can catch you by himself

Robin: like this, Zack, come with me down to the basement so we can examine him. if that's the case, then he definitely knows where Nordan is!

Zack: And those locations we found,

Robin: it is approximately somewhere in that region, and we will get the exact location only now, follow me

Zack: Okay

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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