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Robin hurriedly goes to his car, opens the door and puts Zoe in the back of the car. He closes the back door of the car and Robin sits in the car and accelerates towards the hospital. He stared as fast as he could just to save Zoe. Passing along long stretches of highways that pass through plains, hills and valleys. In the distance, the sun could be seen rising in the sky, illuminating Robin's face. Soon, Robin drags Zoe to the Hospital, and then heads to the General's office. He wasn't sure what awaited him, but he knew he would face the consequences of the actions he had committed.

When he arrived at the General's office, General Daniel was already sitting at his desk. Robin said a quick hello and sat down in the chair opposite him.

General Daniel : (crossed his arms and said in a serious voice) Robin, I know you've been through a lot lately, but that doesn't excuse your behavior today. You didn't follow orders, you put yourself and others at unnecessary risk, not to mention breaking the law. I know you wanted to protect Zoe, but you didn't think about the consequences of your actions.

Robin felt the pressure in his chest as the General admonished him. He knew he had made a mistake, but he didn't expect to be punished so severely.

The General continued: However, I also understand your motive and desire to protect Zoe. That's why I decided to be kind to you. Your work ultimately led to the arrest of the traitor, and that is very important to us. Therefore, I will not punish you in an official way, but I expect you to obey orders and laws in the future. Do you understand?"

Robin : (he took a deep breath and answered) I did, sir. I apologize for my actions and guarantee that it will not happen again.

General Daniel: and something else! was that paper you handed to Randall fake?

Robin: fake document general!

General Daniel nodded his head and said: "Good. We have finished one part of the problem. Now let's go back to where we left off, Now all that remains is to save Amar."

Robin thanked the General and left the office, feeling both relieved and concerned about his behavior. He knew he had to learn his lesson and be more careful in the future, but he also knew he would always do everything in his power to protect those he loved. After talking with the General, Robin returned to his duties and continued his work. However, his thoughts kept returning to Zoe. He felt guilty for putting her in danger, but at the same time he knew he would do it all over again if it was to save her life.

, Robin visited Zoe in the hospital a few hours later. Her condition had slightly improved, but she was still in shock from the events unfolding around her. Robin promised her that he would be by her side until she recovered and that he would protect her from everything.

Over the next few hours, Robin diligently cared for Zoe. He helped her with daily activities, such as feeding and dressing her, and took care of her emotional health. The only thing that still crossed his mind was...Amar.

As we know, Amar was abducted or kidnapped by Arzina. He already spends several hours tied to a chair and left to his mercy. He endures and is silent, he endures his pains, his suffering, knowing what follows him. Arzina called her military base a few hours ago and asked for evacuation.

Robin could no longer bear it in his head, in his thoughts. He knew that he was wrong to leave him alone. He decided to voluntarily correct his mistake and take revenge on those traitors once and for all. Robin went to contact General Daniel to give him permission to pick up some soldiers to capture Arzina and rescue Amar.

Soon Daniel answers.

General Daniel: Robin again!

Robin: Yes, I am again...

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