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When a spaceship crashed on a completely different planet called Bioflame. A little strange planet name I could hear, but that doesn't matter now. what matters now is:  did  I survived?

location : Refuge

time: unknown

Ouch, everything hurts, from head to toe. I didn't have the strength to wake up. my head hurt badly from the impact when I crashed on the planet. my body was full of bruises. I could barely open my eyes. I heard various sounds like the buzzing of light bulbs, I heard someone talking in the background, it was all strange to me. I opened my eyes, they placed me in someone's shelter. some cables were attached to me, there was also medical equipment. what did they do to me? I wasn't interested in that. I slowly got out of bed because everything in my body hurt. my eyes were blurry from lying down for a long time. as I sat on the bed I heard footsteps approaching the door. the door slowly opened as the light blinded my eyes. two unknown figures enter the room. as the door slowly closed I saw their glowing eyes looking at me in surprise? there were two of them.

one of them spoke.

???- you got up, I thought you wouldn't wake up

Amar - who are you and what am I doing here?

???-calm down, calm down. don't get too excited.

Another character spoke.

???- I had no hope that this experiment would work.

Amar: what kind of experiment??

???- can you tell us your name?

Amar : amar

???- Amar ?, I have never heard that name, have you heard of this name?

Amar - : who are you?

??? I'm C01Y or Cory, the one next to me is DA1L or DAIL

Amar: ok???? what are you really?

CORY: we're doctors

Amar: no, i meant what are you really, you are a robot or something

CORY:  i tell you Later I'll tell you where you're from and what you're doing here

Amar: i'm from planet earth. My country was invaded by aliens like you a few days ago.

they were both silent for several minutes

Cory: ok???

Dail: how are you feeling

Amar: everything hurts, from head to toe

Cory: I didn't know you were going to survive that accident.

you are very happy. are you hungry?

Amar: yes, I haven't eaten in days.

Cory : hey Dail! go get him some food. he hasn't eaten in days.

DAIL: now?

Cory: Yeah

Dail: I'm going

Dail leaves the room.

Cory: Well, you're human. Is it

Amar: yes.

Cory: Can you answer a few questions for me?

Amar: ok

Cory: First question - how did you live before on earth?

Amar: I lived a normal life.

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