Part 33--- Where am I?----

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in the last episode, we saw that Amar had a battle with two enemy soldiers who wanted to kill him and Ethan.

Fortunately for Amar, he managed to defend himself from the enemy, but due to the lack of oxygen he fought with his fists against an enemy soldier, it cost him dearly.

Ethan arrived just in time with his father to help Amar. The two of them successfully killed the enemy and Amar, who was in a daze, was taken to their shelter. The hiding place was small, a lonely house, far from the urban settlement.

Amar slowly wakes up from his dream and finds himself in the basement, tied up.

Amar: what is this... where am I?

Amar: (looks at his hands) Come on.... bound again.

Amar: can I spend one, but not wait for someone to tie me up?

Amar: (staring) Whose shelter is this? is it not from that young man Ethan?

Amar hears the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs.

The cellar door begins to open slowly, and Ethan peeks out from behind the door

Ethan: oh you wake up 

Amar: Ethan?

Ethan: yes, I am

Amar: what is this Ethan?! Why did you tie me up?

Ethan: I didn't tie you up (enters the room)

Amar: but when is it?!

Ethan: My father tied you up, it worksours security.

Amar: haha, kid, I told you that at the beginning, I don't want to harm my people.

Ethan: I know, I told him about it.

Amar: but he still tied me up?

Ethan: yes ...

Amar: Hey, is this your house?

Ethan: yes, the cottage, it's been 3 years since we built it

Amar: will you do me a favor?
Ethan: What is that?

Amar: to untie my hands

Ethan: here I go (unties his hands)

Amar: thank you

Ethan: It's nothing.

Amar: How long was I unconscious?

Ethan: well... one 3 hours?

Amar: Oh my God, I'm getting worse and worse every day!

Ethan: Well, I brought you some food, so here you go

Amar: thank you

Ethan: um...I see you got some wounds, so I put bandages on you.

Amar: (looks at his body and sees the bandages) Thank you, young man.

Ethan: tell me, where did you say those beings came from? did you tell me something about them?

Amar: these beings come from a planet similar to Earth, that planet is called BIOFLAME.

Ethan: have you been up there?

Amar: I am

Ethan: how much?

Amar: maybe five months

Ethan: five months?

Amar : yes 

Ethan: how did you end up there and back here again?

Amar: it was October, the Friday that sentenced us all to death because of that creature. As I was running away from them, I caught my leg and rolled into their spaceship and accidentally activated the button to return to that planet.

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