Part 7--- Skorpion side---

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planet :Earth

time: 00:30

location: traitor base (scorpion)

Nordan is sitting in his office, disappointed and angry when he heard the bad news. He sits in silence thinking about his plans and figuring out how to kill a man on planet BIOFLAME who accidentally wandered into his spaceship.

NORDAN: how did he manage to get into my spaceship, how many times have I told them, close the doors of the spaceship with you, but no, each to his own side, irresponsible creatures. If that guy messes up my plans and they fall into the wrong hands, it could cost me my life.

THEN there is a knock on the office door.

NORDAN: who is it?

ARZINA: I am father, Arzina


ARZINA enters the office

ARZINA: Good evening, father

NORDAN: EVENING, how far are you with the things?

ARZINA: It's almost ready, just to put armor and a few packs of ammunition.

NORDAN: ARZINA !! DO you know why I chose you for this mission.


NORDAN: because I can trust you, I have been preparing you for this moment for years. Your mission is as follows: you have to catch that young man, according to my calculations he is the same age as you, because you are my last hope. You have to bring him here alive to my office, do you understand?


NORDAN: you are young, fast and quiet for this mission, so you will have no problems in this mission.

ARZINA: how long do I have time for this mission?

NORDAN: 3 months!! , enough time to find him, my people will transport you to the planet BIOFLAME, where my friend named LUCAS will meet you. he will tell you what to do next when you come. he will be familiar with that mission, and this mission is secret, very secret!

ARZINA: OK, when do I leave?

NORDAN: in half an hour; exactly at one in the morning. if you don't finish the mission within 3 months, you and I don't know each other anymore, I think you ruined everything, do you understand!!

ARZINA: Yes, I understood.

NORDAN: excellent!! go now, get ready, you're leaving in half an hour

ARZINA: all right (gets up from the chair and moves towards the door)



NORDAN: good luck and I love you, if you die, remember your father, as a great hero.

ARZINA: OK, bye (leaves the office)


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