Part 20--- New home ---

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After a strong and quick reaction that happened on a cloudy morning. Robin together with General Daniel and the state army managed to defeat the enemy with little losses. The other traitors who remained to defend themselves to the last drop of blood surrendered. During the attack on the Military Airport, loud explosions and gunfire were heard. On the other hand, young soldier Zachary enters Downhill Town along with Amara who is lying fast asleep. As we said about Downhill Town, it is surrounded by high hills and various waterfalls and parks that adorn the town. Zachary stops the car in front of the hotel, gets out of the car and opens the back door of the car and picks up Amar and carries him to the hotel. Zachary walks in and stops at the front desk where he is greeted by a young girl at the front desk.

Worker: Good evening sir, do you need help?

Zachary: Good evening, I would like a room for this young man.

worker: ok! room 112. how long is he staying here?

Zachary: um... he's staying here for a few months for now. Here is my receipt (Robin's bank receipt that he gave him).

Worker: Okay, sir!

Zachary: He's not there, I'd like to ask you.

worker: what is that?

Zachary: this young man I'm carrying needs a little help, because he has very bad wounds.

worker: ok, we'll take care of him

Zachary: Thank you for your cooperation.

Zachary takes the room key and goes to room 112. He enters the room and puts Amar on the bed while he sleeps. Zachary leaves the letter on the small cabinet next to him, then leaves the room, turns off the light, and returns to the front desk.

Zachary: Sorry, I want to ask you something else

worker: here you go

Zachary: keep an eye on this young man, he is new here in an unknown town and has no one to watch over him, so let one of you watch over him

worker: ok, we'll take care of him sir!

Zachary: Thanks, goodbye

worker: goodbye

Zachary leaves the hotel and gets into his car and returns to the base.

The next morning, Amar begins to slowly wake up without opening his eyes.

Amar: (slowly wakes up and feels pain in the places where he was wounded). As I slowly woke up, I felt severe pain from the wound I received. my eyes were blurry. I was tired from everything I had been through. I dreamed and wanted to return home, to my family, to my old life, but life goes on and disappears.

Amar slowly opens his eyes and gets out of bed, on the way he notices that he is not in his room.

Amar: what is this?! , Where am I ?! , am I dreaming this or it just happened to me .

Amar slowly gets out of bed and goes to the window to move the curtains. Amar opens the curtains as the sun covers his visor (face) and then notices his surroundings.

Amar: What the hell is this??!! WHERE AM I !!!! (and then Amar falls into shock) that she didn't .....kidnapped me....... Arzina?!?! NOT!!! It can not be !!!!

He darkens the curtains, goes to the bed and sits down with a sad face and his imagined failed hope. Amar thinks for a few minutes about how he got here, and then he sees an envelope sitting on a small cabinet next to the bed.

Amar: look at the ..... letter ?? (takes the envelope and opens it, then takes out the paper) What is this???

Letter from Robin:

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