Part 32---return to earth, escape and new troubles---

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Part 32 – return to earth, escape and new troubles —-

—- we wrote this chapter in the first person of the protagonist, there will also be parts like this in the first person of the protagonist —--

Amar: (in his thoughts) I've been spending five days in this damned spaceship.

I tried to escape several times in vain, but every time I escaped, the guards would catch me and take me back to the cell. I knew that there was no way for me to escape from them, where the hell am I going! And to run away, all around me is the universe. No signs of life, oxygen, almost nothing. The only things in the universe are stars and large rocks known as meteors. they kept me in a cell because of a fight. While I was in the cell, I always wondered when all this would pass and I would start living a normal life without any troubles that would happen to me. I hope that all this will come to an end.

Suddenly I felt that the ship landed. It didn't surprise me. I was lying on the bed and resting. I wisely thought about how to resist those idiots and escape from them, at least for a while, even if it cost me my life.

Suddenly the cell door opens and a soldier stands at the door.

Soldier: Prisoner number 564. get out of the cell

Amar: (in his thoughts) phew... there they are again.

Amar gets up from the bed and walks out of the cell with light steps.

Soldier: Please, put your hands out!

Amar: (looking coldly at the soldier) where are we?

Soldier: on the ground, stretch out your hands!

Amar: (holds out his hands)

Soldier: (handcuffs Amar's hands) and now, go!

I slowly walked in front of the soldiers through the big long corridors to the exit. On the way to the exit, I saw large groups of protogens on the spaceship. Some unloaded large gray metal boxes containing: food supplies, weapons and the like, while others led the prisoners in large groups. I watched all this lightly as I passed through the corridor of the spaceship.

We slowly got out of the spaceship, the sunlight illuminated my face, while the wind caressed my face with a light breeze.

When I opened my eyes I was inside a military base that was surrounded by large gray solid walls with wires on top. The base had only one airport, but that airport was larger than the average airport on earth. The base was well equipped with various advanced technologies. From tanks, military vehicles to anti-aircraft systems. The base contained a lot of objects that were taken from our people. While we were walking through the base, I saw how these beings hit the prisoners in certain places, and tortured them until they died. The soldier and I headed towards a nearby building that was not far from the airport.

when we entered the building, there were guards and some soldiers inside that building, the soldier who led me, we headed to a small room where there was only a chair and a table. The guard made me sit down. He tied my hands and feet to the chair. On the table on the right side were torture equipment and a small gun. After tying me up, the guard turned and left the room. I sat with my head down, tied up and left alone in the room. Arzina enters the room with another person.

Arzina: this is the target I told you about.

??? : yes ... a young person.

Arzina: he is a very tough boy.

??? : seriously?!

Arzina: yes, here I will take an example, the first attack we carried out against him soon failed. That boy knows how to shoot automatic rifles.

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