Part 14---reinforcement at the last minute---

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one small question before you start reading the book. when you enter my book, is the title of the book written in a foreign language, if the title of the book is written in a foreign language, let me know in the comments. ---it is very important!!!!---. thank you for attention !


five minutes have passed since the shooting, no one was hit or injured. Robin and Amar are holding up well in terms of defense. There was silence, nobody fired a shot for several minutes and both sides were on the ropes.

Robin: Amar!

Amar: say Robin

Robin: go see if we can go out the back door of the house.

Amar: I'm going to check.

Amar goes to check if the other exits from the house are free for escape, but when Amar opened the door a few meters from him, there were Enemy who were waiting for one of them, who anyone to try to escape so that they could catch him.

Soldier: there he is!!

amar: oh sheet!!! wrong door!!

two soldiers opened fire on him, luckily for Amar, no one was injured, aMAR at where he came from.

Robin: What is it? Is the back door clear for escape?

aMAR: so you see .... I think we are surrounded from all sides ... hehe


AMAR: so it turns out that it is possible.

Robin: how are we going to escape then?

Amar: so through the window! :3

Robin: yes yes, you go out and drink a few bullets then by the scorpion soldiers. come on please pull yourself together.

Robin calls the base again

Robin: hello, the gray falcon is here again, WHERE IS THE REINFORCEMENT!!!!

BASE: they will arrive in ten minutes

Robin: Yes. by the time they come we are done

Robin ends the call and comes up with a plan to survive until they arrive.

me: what are we going to do now, do you have any other weapons or ammunition besides this one

Robin : ooooo!!!!

Amar: what?'

Robin: you're a genius, I didn't think of this before. follow me.

Robin goes to the room where that little library was

we enter the library and reach the end of the room

amar: what the hell are we going to do here huh?

Robin : now watch this

(Robin put his hand on the wall, and pulled the brick. In the meantime, the door on which the wall that covered that secret room was painted opened. The door opened slowly and you could easily see a room with a lot of weapons.

Amar: Robin ..... where did you get this? Don't tell me you stole this.

Robin: I didn't steal, I borrowed... (Robin enters the room and I follow him).

Robin: I didn't remember that I had this room. (Robin takes the M416 from the cabinet). come on, what are you waiting for... let's show them a little surprise

Amar: but I.... I don't know how to handle that rifle.

Robin: you will learn from me when we shoot each other. Hey, take this gun that I took

I took the M416 that Robin was holding in his hand, and Robin took the M762.

Robin: Put on your military vest and let's go.

I put on a military vest and we left the room with plenty of ammunition.

Arzina pov

Arzina: there are none .., the coward shut up.

soldier 1: I think we could go after them.

Arzina: you are right, let's go to them.

while Arzina's soldiers got ready and took a few steps. Robin and Amar shot at them and surprised them.

Arzina: WATCH YOUR HEAD.... This is a trap.

Arzina together with the soldiers returned to their positions and fired at them. it was a fierce fire.

Robin pov

Robin: don't let them burn, they're cowards squared off.

amar: Robin! You cover this side and I'll cover the last exit so that the enemies don't enter

Robin: hurry up!!

Amar went to defend the house from the rear. where he surprised the enemies

amar: now you are done (he opened fire on them)

it jolted the enemies where he wounded one.

and thus several nasty minutes of warfare between the two sides where Robin and Amar were surrounded from all sides. The enemy did not give up his mission.Arzina was so angry that she got out of her position and went around behind the house towards Amar. Arzina ran with all her might and entered the house through the window where she found Amar.Amar then turned and looked at each other with angry faces.

Arzina: you are that Amar

Amar: who are you!!!

Arzina: I am Arzina and I have come to arrest you on behalf of Nordan.

Amar: Nordan sent you here huh?!!!

Arzina: yes, but you will be wounded tonight.

Amar fired a bullet at Arzina, while Arzina stood against the wall and shot at Amar.

Amar: I won't let you catch me!!

Arzina: you think!

there were 2 intense minutes of shooting. in the meantime, police sirens could be heard as they came, stopped and started shooting at the enemy. when Arzina heard that, she went back towards her scents:

Arzina: I will come back for you

Amar: we'll see

Arzina came out of the house shooting at Amar, gathered the soldiers and started to retreat and thus escape.

Robin : haha .. so cowardly... run away !!!! have you seen how strong a guy I am?

Amar slowly and tiredly approaches Robin

RobIn: hey Amar, we succeeded,

Amar: I think I was two behind the house earlier.

in the meantime, police officers approach Robin and Amar together with General Daniel.

General Daniel: are you all right guys?

Robin: we are, alive and well, there are two wounded enemies behind the house, they should be arrested.

General Daniel: come on, you heard Robin, go behind the house.

special forces: to the boss's office.

Amar: Robin? I do not feel well

Roin: what's wrong with you (the robin looked at Amar's body and saw that he was wounded).

Robin : oh my GOD!! you are wounded

Amar looked at his forehead and saw that he was wounded. he smiled at Robin and, losing control, fell into disbelief. Robin grabs him and starts yelling.

Robin : Amar !!! wake up please call 611 immediately (611 was short for emergency like 911).

that's where it ends. Amar is wounded and lonely, will he survive or will he end his precious life here

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