Part 17---I'm coming for you---

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after the mass shooting that happened last night, Arzina was very, very close to her target, but unfortunately due to the sounds of the police, Arzina did not want to deal with the police: Arzina and her team retreated from there, and her mission, which was to do so , she failed

Arzina and the rest of the team got into the van and disappeared from here. They walked long stretches of road; so that they can escape from the police before they are caught. Fortunately for them, they managed to escape from there and slowly return to the base. the soldiers were as tired and exhausted as Arzina. After several hours of driving, they slowly begin to approach their military base. As we said at the beginning, their base is the Airport, as well as the last point of the enemy on that planet that they had. There were very few soldiers and pilots in the base itself because they were to withdraw from there in less than a year. But, unfortunately, it lasted half a year longer. and the soldiers wanted to stay here until the last drop of blood in that base to defend it.

Arzina and her soldiers, who are slowly approaching the base, slowly enter: Arzina, who was very nervous because she failed to complete the mission the first time, gets out of the van. She slowly approached General David with angry steps. He enters the office without knocking or greeting, and David flinches.

David: Arzina!!! how are you getting into my office!!!

Arzina: that's not important now (sits on a chair)

David: What happened!!! do you look exhausted to me?

Arzina: WHAT HAPPENED!! I couldn't catch him!!

Devid: hahahaha... that's bothering you, come on Arzina, you're not the only one who didn't succeed in the mission.

Arzina: that's funny!! listen to me David!! I have to catch that target in less than a month and we don't care about other opinions.

David: Uffffff Arzina!!! You have a deadline of three months and you want to do it in a month?!!

Arzina: yes!!

Devid: uffffff that's your problem and your mission, I don't interfere in that mission

Arzina: I was very close to him, I had a chance to catch him, but he was a tough guy, and not only that, the police were coming, I didn't want to mess with the police, so I retreated.

David: If the police find out that we are here as well as the army, you will be blamed for this!!

Arzina: Well, that's not my problem, my only problem is how to catch the target

David: get out

Arzina: I wounded that target

David: and what do you want?

Arzina: Amar needed to go to the hospital, but there is a problem, which one?

David: You have private and public hospitals

Arzina: I know about it!!! David!! he did me a favor

David: which one

Arsine; I need a professional who knows how to break into various computers and systems

David: you mean hacker

Arzina: Yes!

David: wait a minute. (David picks up the phone and calls someone)

David is talking on the phone

David: Good evening. did I get Ivan? Great, can you put it on my phone? Hello, good evening Ivan. Could you come to my office if you don't mind? it is important that . Alright

David ends the call

Arzina: who did you call?

David: I called Ivan

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