Part 23---I will help you if you do me a favor---

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Arzina has been intensively and frantically searching for Amar for some time, never giving up on her mission. she searched every city, every corner of the building, every street, but she couldn't find him. She angrily turns off the highway and goes to a gas station to rest. He stops the car in the parking lot and gets out of it. Arzina is full of nervousness, she decided to sit in the car and rest. She wisely thought about her mistakes that she had committed, she knew that it was impossible to find and catch him alone. He wisely sits and remains silent, thinking about what to do now.

Meanwhile, two black cars appear in front of her and stop in front of her.

Arzina is distraught and slowly takes out the gun.

Protogen gets out of the black car and addresses Arzina.

??? - good day Arzina !!

Arzina: who are you and what do you want?!?!

??? - Don't you recognize me??

Arzina: no!!!

??? : well then, I'm Randall,

Arzina : Randall ???

Randall: Yeah, and you're Nordan's daughter, right?

Arzina: how do you know me and my father!!!

Randall: take it easy, calm down... you don't need to get upset for nothing

Arzina: how do you know me??

Randall: I worked for your father, I know everything about you and every person...

Arzina: what are you??!!!

Randall: (laughs) I'm a traitor!!!!

Arzna: traitor?!?!

Randall : yes .. a traitor to your father and his damn policies he runs

Arzina: (takes out a gun and points it at Randall) what do you want from me!!!!

Randall: take it easy!!!! calm down, put that damn gun down!

Arzina: I won't until you answer my question!!!

Randall: I want to help you!!

Arzina: help?? hahaha.... if the traitor helps me, I don't need your help, thanks...

Randall: listen to Arzin!!! I won't be long, I want to help you find and catch Amar!!!

Arzina: (lowers the gun) How did you know about my mission???!!

Randall : I told you, I know everything !!!

Arzina: then help!!!

Randall: but not so fast!

Arzina: what???

Randall: You have to do me a favor

Arzina: I have to do you a favor, forget it!

Randall : then I won't help you !!!

Arzina: (silent)

Randall: do you agree to my service??

Arzina: (she is silent and thinks wisely about this procedure she is deciding on)

Randall: so you won't?!

Arzina: I agree to your service!

Randall: Your mission is to rob a bank

Aržina: Bank?! of all other jobs you want me to rob a bank ??!!

Randall: Yes!

Arzina: no, no, no and no!! forget it!!

Randall: Then no help from me young lady. (sly laugh)

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