Part 30--- Again in space ---

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Chapter 30. — again in space —

— this action, like the chapter itself, takes place three hours earlier, that is, when Arzina is evacuated with her target before the beginning of chapter 29 —

Time 13:00

Day: Thursday

Location: Unmanned spacecraft

after the tense situation that took place at the abandoned base, Arzina managed to evacuate together with Amar, who was unfortunately kidnapped. Now his condition is getting worse every minute and I am left at the mercy that awaits him. Amar will have to try in every way to resist the enemy who want to destroy him in the end.

Arzina :( Enters the spacecraft and addresses Robin ) Robin !!! game over!!

The door slowly closes in front of Arzine, looking sharply at Robin until the door closes. Arzina finally managed to kidnap Amar after five long months. The spaceship was slowly rising into the air. After the door closed, the ship flew into space.

Arzina was finally able to vent all her anger that she was harboring inside.

Arzina: YESSS!! I did it !!! uffff....those bastards annoyed me a lot.

General of the spaceship: (approaches Arzina) good day...

Arzina: (turns to the General) oH... good day?!

General of the Spaceship: I congratulate you on your accomplished mission!

Arzina: oh, thank you, you are the general of this ship???

Spaceship General: Yes I am, you can call me Mike.

Arzina: Well, good day General Mike.

Mike: (turns his head towards Amar) this is your target??

Arzina: yes, he is very important, that's why I don't want to say why I kidnapped him.

Mike: Okay then, please go to my office and my soldiers will take care of him

Arzina: OK!

Arzina went with the general of the ship to his office, while two soldiers lead Amar to the prison cell. The two guards who gently led Amar to the cell did not hit him or drag him, because it was not necessary for that. Amar did not try to resist those soldiers, because he knew that he would not be able to escape, because he is currently in the universe ....... again. which was even more disappointing for him. When the guards came to the small prison inside the spaceship, which had individual rooms for each person, they gently put him in the cell and closed him, and freed his hands, which had been tied all the time. Amar slowly gets up from the floor and wipes the little bit of dust from his body with his hands, then lies down on the bed looking at the ceiling. He was disappointed with all the damn events that happened to him. He recalled his crazy adventures, such as his escape from the enemy, shootings, love affairs....

Amar: (In his thoughts) God, thank you for every crazy and beautiful event I've been through in my life. If you rewrote my destiny like this, then I am grateful for your blessings. I spent most of my time with one person who brought me back my old days, like dating, love events and many other things. Thank you, God.

suddenly there is a knock on the door of the prison cell. He was a guard, that is, a soldier.

Soldier: prisoner number 564. your name and how old you are.

Amar: (remembers his fake name and answers him) my name is THUNDER.

Soldier: okay, number of years?

Amar: I refuse to tell my age!

Soldier: (looks at Amar with cold eyes) Listen to me, young man, I will not screw with you. I behave normally and politely with you, unlike you. Since you are a temporary prisoner in this spaceship and a very young person, I behave normally with you. Now tell me your age!

Amar: 20

Soldier: (smiles) you can see that you can have a nice conversation.

The soldier writes down the information and leaves the door.

Arzina Pov:

MIke: once again, I congratulate you on a mission accomplished

Arzina: thank you

Mike: Can I ask you something? but to answer me completely honestly.

Arzina: okay, what is that?

Mike: Your mission was to capture the target within three months. Why did you extend the mission from 3 months to 5??

Arzina: pihh.. like this... first of all, we received a surprise attack on the airport, which was completely destroyed.

Second: they managed to get the target to safety, so it took me more time to find him.

Mike: Did anyone survive the attack that happened on the airport?

Arzina: what do I know... maybe some have surrendered.... I don't know the exact information about that.

Mike: Is there anything left of the equipment that was at the airport?

Arzina: well...planes, tanks and other vehicles were destroyed and nothing was left of them, only weapons for the soldiers remained.

Mike: that doesn't even matter, only the technology matters.

Arzina: okay...

Mike: go and rest... You deserve it

Arzina: thank you... (gets up and leaves)

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