Part 11---preparing for the attack---

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hours: 14:00 p.m

Location : enemy airfield -- BLACK DRAGON --

PLACE: plan room.

when Arzina was looking for 12 guys for the mission. General DAVID called those twelve guys for a secret mission led by Arzin. 12 guys were waiting in the planning room until Arzina entered.

everyone: good day, captain!

Arzina just entered without answering anything, slowly sitting on the chair.

Arzina: Good day, guys. By the way, I'm Arzina and today I'm going to hire you for a while. like this, if I hear that any of you have spoken up and interfered with my plan, this world will no longer be recorded. did you understand me!

all: understood !!

Arzina: OK, this paper or document that I am holding in my hand is my target that I need to catch. please look at that document while I'm talking.

Arzina gives the boys a document with a target.

Arzina: my father tasked me to catch the man's dick. it is very important, I will not reveal why. clear

all: clear!

Arzina: he kept quiet and got used to the new world, here is a picture of what he looks like now. the plans are as follows:

1 - we leave here at six, we will be there around 9 in the evening

2- deploy and wait for them to return, and surround the house so that no one can get out.

3- when they come back and when they step into the house, we open fire on them.

4 - the target must not be killed, but caught, because I need him alive to catch him.

5 - five soldiers together with me enter the house and make a raid

6- we leave the house with a target in our hands

7- we get into the van and disappear as if nothing had happened.

Arzina: very simple mission, right? . all that should last half an hour. if there is no shooting. then it will last an hour. Did you understand?

all: understood !!

Arzina: don't make a mistake, and no one must die in that mission. once again, that target of mine needs to be captured alive.

everyone: understood, we will not let you down.

Arzina: my brave lions, everyone should be ready by six and we're leaving, I won't wait for anyone. OK!!

all: ok !!

Arzina: it is clear to everyone that we do not need to repeat ourselves.

one rolls out of the group

Soldier: dear general, can I bring an RPG just in case

Arzina: bring it if reinforcements come, EVERYONE OUT NOW!!! and get ready

everyone: okay

The 12 guys who were trained to serve secret missions left the plans room and went to their rooms to prepare for the siege.

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