4. part---lost in space---

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time -unknown-


After all, I've been through, through this shooting, killing people, corpses, monsters with monitors and spaceships.

I start slowly to wake up from the lying position.

My right hand started to hurt a lot from the forceful impact of a huge piece of metal on my hand. It started to hurt me terribly. It tingles and hurts at the same time. As I gently woke up, I noticed that I was currently in a spaceship. I suddenly got up from the floor and looked through the window of the spaceship. "Oh my god" (I exclaimed) ... another disaster for me. I was very far from my planet Earth. I was scared shitless. I couldn't believe what happened. Through the window of the spaceship. I saw various spaceships with big howitzers shooting at the planet Earth, killing several thousand people. I was the only witness, who saw that these extraterrestrial beings were killing my people. I was very far from my home, and my family. I was very worried and scared. From the sadness that took over me, I sat down on the floor of this spaceship and gathered myself together. Fear, loneliness, sadness, pain, and suffering were now friends on this ship. "What am I going to do now" I exclaimed. I was beside myself, I couldn't believe what I was seeing with my eyes. "What am I going to do now?" I said the same word again. Looking at this gray metal, this spaceship, it didn't remind me of my home. I was, alone in the empty universe, surrounded by lonely, shining stars around me, and the black mantle that covered this sky. without oxygen, without water...and food. I was left at the mercy, without help and hope. Knowing only this one thing. "I know that I will be dead now" I exclaimed. Since my death, they shared only seconds and minutes. While I was sitting on the gray floor, with a scared face, I got up slightly from the floor, trembling from the fear that prevailed in me. I slowly looked around this small spaceship in which I was. Inside, the spaceship was equipped with various modern gadgets and technologies. in front of me, I could see the cabin where the pilot controls the ship, but there was no one in that cabin. I was alone in this spaceship. which surprised me a lot. As I looked around this spaceship, I saw how far behind we, the human civilization, are when it comes to these technologies. on my right side, on my shoulder, I noticed a small gadget from the aliens. I took that thing and looked at it. it looked like a small gun. I wasn't interested in that gun and I returned it to where I found it. on the left side was a small hole in the room where there was a large bed and a strange capsule next to it. I went to the capsule and saw a small inscription that was stuck to that capsule. a very strange language was written on it, which I could not understand. while my fear still prevailed in me, I decided to sit on that bed and try somehow to calm down. I spent a few lonely hours on that spaceship. I could no longer see my planet from the window of the spaceship. I was even more worried because I didn't know what to do anymore. I kept silent and didn't know what to do anymore. After a few minutes of silence, I noticed a small photo that was glued to a piece of metal. I could see those extraterrestrial beings with their modern equipment and weapons they had on them. cursed be this life in which I live, cursed be all that I have seen with my cursed eyes. I was very angry at all this crap that I saw and experienced. may I be cursed for being born? I don't even know where I will save myself. I don't even know how to get out of there. around me, there was only space and a place where there was no oxygen at all. Alone in this universe. I keep repeating the same words. I don't know what's wrong with me. I decided to get some sleep, to regain my energy and to be ready for new troubles that follow.

a few hours later.

I slowly wake up from bed, my head hurts from crying so much. sadness was always present in me, and fear too. My tired eyes were even more tired. my body felt weak. I couldn't move from the bed, I was so tired and sleepy and I didn't know where I was. My body was attached to the bed and it wouldn't let me get up from it. I was even more sad, for many reasons. I didn't feel like I was in my own house. I didn't have that peaceful feeling that I had on earth. I don't even know how many hours have passed, I didn't even know what day it is today. I simply didn't care about that. I felt broken, physically and mentally. got out of bed and woke up. Like every time I got up, I would see that I was still in space. damn it. when the hell is this going to end? suddenly I heard a naki beep* from the pilot's part of the plane. I went to see what it was. when I came and looked at what was going on, only a small light was on and it said "press it" in English. "What" I exclaimed. so that these beings could understand this language of ours. I clicked that little glowing button and a green map of the galaxy opened up behind me, which is expressed in a 3D model. I could see this spacecraft, moving at a very high speed towards the planet called "BIOFLAME". A strange name for the name of a planet, everyone would agree with my fact. I was only half an hour away from that planet by spaceship. I could see how the kilometers were changing their number faster and how the spaceship was accelerating more and more. I couldn't believe it again. What if I die on the way? what if I stay alive? But I knew only one thing "that I would die"

and as half an hour quickly passed, this spacecraft entered the air space of this planet, and I soon crashed on that planet.

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