Part 10---A new day-part 2---

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time : 13 : 30 

day : sunday 

while the enemy was preparing for his evil plans, on the other hand, Robin and Amar are enjoying their walk to the city, not knowing that tonight they will be attacked by a traitor named Scorpion. Where does this story lead us, does it lead us to a new war or does it lead us to the final reconciliation of the two warring parties. we will know, but gradually, step by step. now to the story

after a challenge as well as a bet, will Amar manage to stretch his, as he thought, long 12 kilometers. After two and a half hours of walking with Robin, Amar manages to win the bet and along the way they reach a large capital.

Amar: (panting and tired) phew... i did it!

Robin: a miracle of nature, is it possible that you are tired with 12 kilometers! huh?

Amar: No... I didn't... I didn't... get tired (barely breathing).

Robin: ok don't tell me later you're tired haha

Amar: not funny

Robin: but for me it is, because I can see you from home, how tired you are, look at you, you can barely breathe, but it doesn't matter. You won the bet, now whatever you say or want to go somewhere, I'll do it.

Amar: are you serious?

Robin: a bet is a bet, then it's not interesting. so where do you want us to go?

Amar: I'm very thirsty

Robin: You're thirsty, I know where the nearest store is,

Amar : just don't say it's far

Robin: It's not far, only 10 kilometers from there

Amar: no!! not again !!!!

Robin: Just kidding, follow me.

amar: ok

Robin goes around the corner of the building and suddenly the sound of a car is heard and he comes out with the car.

Robin: Come in.

Amar : you stole the car bro

Robin: I didn't steal it, I borrowed it

Amar : well you are a crazy guy

Robin: (I dare to smile) what am I going to do with her, it's never boring with you, this is my car.

Amar: your ........ YOUR WHAT !!! YOU PARKED HERE!!!!

Robin: yes and?

Amar: You parked it there on purpose, didn't you? (gets into car)

Robin and Amar slowly drove the car towards the store, it was close. exactly one kilometer and stops in front of the store

Robin: ok now, I'll get what you want from the store.

Amar: water and some food to eat please

Robin: That's it

Amar : yes

Robin: Okay, I'll be there in five minutes. don't go anywhere, you can easily get lost. (Robin gets out of the car)

I sat in the car for a while until Robin came. I looked at my hands and thought deeply. when the time will come for me to return to my natural form, let's see, I look like I'm not me, like someone else is controlling me with my body. God, be with me in every trouble. not leaving me alone on this strange planet where I don't know anyone. I no longer have the family I had on planet earth. Please, God, you are strong and almighty, don't leave me alone, please, at least have mercy on me and the other beings who help me in my trouble.

suddenly the door on my left opens and Robin gets into the car.

Robin: Here, I got you something to eat and drink.

amar: thank you very much. Robin?

Robin: Say I'm listening.

Amar: did you have a family?

Robin: Family? no, as Protogens, we have no family, hardly any. we are usually made of various metals and natural body parts.

Amar: oh i didn't know

Robin: Now you know. Well, I know a good place, but I'll save that for later. I wanted to give you something. Here you go

Amar: what is this

Robin: open it

I opened the small package that Robin had given me. I opened it and found my phone.

Amar : where did I get my phone here

Robin: well we found your stuff in that spaceship so we picked it up and fixed it up.

Amar: thank you then

Robin: you're welcome, do you want somewhere else?

Amar: i don't know, it's your city after all,

Robin: do you want to go to the mall, pick up some things on the way

Amar: so let's go then.

Robin starts the car and we go to the mall. as we drove, I looked at my body again like I used to.

Robin: Hey, what happened

Amar: it's nothing

Robin: why are you sad?

I didn't

Robin: you're not sad, it shows on your face, tell me what's wrong.

Amar: so you see, imagine if someone put you in another body to have those feelings?

Robin: good question, now I know what your sadness is, you don't have the original form of you.

Amar: exactly like that.

Robin: cheer up, life goes by quickly, be thankful to God that you are alive, because if you had stayed alive today, you would be in another world, but your fate has changed. I know how you feel in your new body. so enjoy and give thanks.

me: you are right. sometimes you have to thank god. hey robin, did you do some old job before this as a security guard for me.

Robin: I did, I worked in the liberation army, but because of some offense I committed, they transferred me to this job for a while. I knew the foul I did.

me: what foul?

Robin: I went to attack the enemy without the approval of the commander-in-chief, I single-handedly destroyed an enemy team consisting of up to 30 people. When my parents found out that I attacked them without permission, they called me to the office, I knew what would happen then. and here I am now doing this job.

Amar: Well, I'm sorry about your job, which you lost

Robin: it was my mistake, I wanted to prove that I can be a hero but.....

Amar: better luck next time

Robin: That's right, here we are, we've arrived. Whatever you take, I will pay. okay?

Amar: ok

Robin: Let's go then.

Robin and Amar got out of the car and entered the shopping center.

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