Part 35---An unexpected savior---

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part 35

An unexpected savior

Dark night wrapped Florida in its mantle, hiding all that is known under the starry sky. In the meadow, where the light of the moon could barely make out the outlines of trees and tall grass, a drama of incredible proportions was taking place. For five months now, the country has faced an incredible attack from outside its world, as alien creatures known as Protogens rampage through its territory.

The tension in the air was almost palpable as the cloudy clouds traveled across the night sky. During those months, humans fought for survival and tried to find a way to defend themselves against this mighty and powerful enemy from deep space. But nothing could have prepared them for what would happen that night.

Unexpectedly in the dark sky, a sudden blue light appeared as a bright point that grew and suddenly fell towards the earth. The shock was so violent that the earth trembled, and the ground shook as if the planet was shaking from its very core. The light dimmed and was replaced by smoke and dust. A figure emerged from the wreckage of the destroyed capsule. A tall and familiar figure, the savior looked as if he came from a world beyond human imagination. His clothes, silvery-reflective, shone even in the darkness. His presence brought some inexplicable sense of hope, even in the midst of this chaos. While the smoke was slowly escaping, the rescuer's eyes shone like a beacon, scanning his surroundings. He held a device in his hand that pulsated with blue light, and his every movement was coordinated and calm. He took strong steps towards the center of the meadow, looking at the beauty of nature.

that figure is actually our second protagonist...Robin.

he had only one mission that he carried with save Amar. He slowly observed the environment around him, observing every part of this nature.

He moved down the meadow with light steps.

While he was moving down the meadow... a yellow light slowly began to be seen in the distance, approaching him from afar. Robin noticed this and ran for cover behind the stones. The stone was big enough to hide Robin behind it. Robin ran behind the stone and merged with the surroundings. When he hid, that yellow light that watched down the valley was actually a foreign military vehicle that Robin had never seen in his life. The military vehicle stopped a few meters from the air capsule. 4 protogens got out of the vehicle, their bodies were black, while their faces (visor) were illuminated with various colors. went towards the capsule. Robin, who was hiding behind a rock, watched their every step. While observing what the treacherous group was doing around the capsule, Robin lightly decided to have a little trouble with them. Robin crept slowly behind them, every step he took was quiet and silent. every step was getting closer and closer to them. When he got behind them, Robin slowly drew his gun and

suddenly hit one of their soldiers in the head. the soldier fell to the ground, dazed, a

the other three heard a blow, but when they turned around they only saw their dazed soldier lying motionless.

when they ran to their soldier suddenly there was a shooting behind them, Robin lightly shot one of their soldiers in the back, while the other two returned fire at him.

Robin quickly went under cover and continued shooting at them.

bullet casings were coming out of the gun, the sounds of gunshots echoed down the large meadow. bullet after bullet and one enemy falls to the ground. Bullet after bullet and another soon falls on the cold ground. Robin apparently still ate in these fights today. Robin slowly returned the weapon to its place.

Robin was lightly checking the dead bodies to make sure that he had eliminated them, but when he got his hopes up, the soldier who had dazed him started to slowly wake up. the robin slowly approached that soldier and took his weapon and tied it up.

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