Part 21---Five months later---

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Time passed, no one on either side drew a weapon and fired a few rounds.

what happened to make them calm down?

as we saw and read, Amar was transferred to a small town called Downhill Town. There he started his new life with his friend Zoe, who was by his side, always and everywhere, she was by his side. Zoe showed Amar the city and surroundings. They had a good time in that city.

As they had known each other for a long time, they started going out together to dinners, concerts, parties...

As time passed, they became more than friends as boyfriend and girlfriend. They went out together everywhere and loved each other.

on the other side...

We all know it's Arzina, she was returning from the road back to the base where her base was attacked and destroyed. Arzina looked like her destroyed base. The military base was destroyed: many walls were cracked by bullets, the airstrip for military aircraft was destroyed. Military armored military vehicles were destroyed on the runway and there were many traces of blood. After looking around, Arzina saw that the poor soldier was alive and started towards him. it was Marcus. Arzina, she offered help, but in the meantime there was a shooting between them and the rest of the state army that was there. Arzina who was defending herself and Marcus. Marcus tells Arzina to give up and get out of here for a while until the situation calms down. Arzina obeyed Marcus and ran away from him and everything. She went very far, far from everything. Her mission was a complete failure. Now he lives in a quiet settlement called AtroCity. to say the least, a little strange village, but it doesn't matter. Arzina lives a peaceful life for a few months and remembers her damned mistakes that they drag behind her.

Suddenly, everything will change and start all over again, from a street shooting to the kidnapping of other innocent people and all the way to the finish line. What will happen in the end, no one knows, we can only guess and think. The day will come when the tensions between the two sides will calm down and the old life will return.

And now, let's go to the story ..............

One cloudy morning, Amar gets out of bed, tired and cheerful. His wounds have matured and he no longer feels pain like before. Amar goes to the bathroom and takes a shower for an hour. Amar puts on his robe and leaves the bathroom, only for Zoe to ask him to his room.

Amar: Aaaah!!! Zoey!!!

Zoe: you're awake

Amar: why are you in my room at this hour?!

Zoe: I was bored so I went to see if you were awake.

Amar: Next time... knock on the door, okay?

Zoe: Okay.

Amar: How did you sleep last night? (gets dressed and goes to the bathroom)

Zoe: great!

Amar: Are you a lucky day for me?

Zoe: what do you mean?

Amar: I mean .. you are in a good mood

Zoe: and that. I'm in a good mood today.

Amar: When did you get out of bed?

Zoe: it's an hour, are you hungry? I made you breakfast thinking you would get up early

Amar: it doesn't matter (leaves the bathroom)

Zoe: Do you want to go somewhere with me?

Amar: and... where is it?

Zoe: Well, to a beautiful place

Amar: I don't know...

Zoe: Come on, I'm begging you for my love?

Amar: Come on... when did you plan to leave?

Zoe: when you eat

Amar: Shall we go right after breakfast?

Zoe: Yes

Amar: Why so early? the sun didn't shine properly either.

Zoe: I prepared a surprise for you upstairs, come on, go have breakfast and let's go.

Amar: ok, I'm going.

Amar and Zoe go down to the kitchen and have breakfast, and after that they go to that place.

Amar: how far is that??

Zoe: Do you see that hill over there, covered by those two neighboring hills

Love: yes, me

Zoe: let's go.

Amar: Zoe? it's too far, maybe we get lost?

Zoe: haha, relax, the sooner we leave, we'll have time for other things

Amar: Okay, as you say.

While Zoe and Amar are having fun walking to their destination. on the other hand, Arzina prepares breakfast for herself and thinks about her mistakes.

Arzina: how could I be so stupid to withdraw from the mission, Twice I was very close to the target ....grrrrrrr

Arzina looked at her knife and saw blood dripping from the knife onto the table.

Arzina: father,,,, don't worry, I will find him and catch him and bring him to you, even if he dies, father, the day will come when I will bring him to you alive....

Arzina swings the knife and stabs the knife from the table, goes to her room to get her uniform and things (military equipment) and leaves the house. gets into the car and starts looking.

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