Part 38--- lonely Night, Unexpected Enemies and a Savior ----

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time: 9:45 in the evening

Amar slowly wakes up from his sleep, sleepy and rested. Ready for his further adventures and ready for new troubles.

Amar slowly opens his tired eyes and gets up from his lying position. Amar sits for a while and slowly gets out of bed and looks at the clock hanging on the wall.

It showed 9:30 p.m. Amar slowly walks to the wall where he left his weapon, retrieves it, and slowly leaves the room. He slowly descends the stairs and then stops suddenly. Amar saw a small family picture from Ethan to his left. While Amar was looking at that picture, the family picture, he remembered his family that he had before this shit happened. Because of the loss of his family, Amar could not get over the sadness and pain that he still kept inside. Amar slightly turned his head away from that picture and continued, slowly coming down from the floor. When he came down, to his right, he saw Ethan sitting and reading a book in the kitchen.

Ethan: (turns and sees Amar) Oh, hello Amar

Amar: ... hello

Ethan: how are you?

Amar: weak. but don't worry, I'll be fine

Ethan: sit down...

Amar: (sits on the chair) What are you doing?

Ethan: Here, I'm reading a book.

Amar: what book... are you reading?

Ethan: War and Peace. Oh... I made you dinner. It's on your kitchen table.

Amar: (leaves and takes a plate with food and sits at the table)

Ethan: Amar?

Amar: say...

Ethan: what's bothering you, you look so unhappy.

Amar: (looks at Ethan) Hey... I'm not unhappy.

Ethan: is something bothering you?

Amar: I am tormented by my past. But I don't want to tell you...

Ethan: uh... you know when I'm unhappy, I start thinking about other things.

Amar: (he is silent and looks at Ethan with a cold look.)

Ethan, I'm serious, put your worries and sadness aside and start thinking about something else. It has a better effect on your mental health.

Amar: (silent) ...... thank you.

Ethan: Well, I have to tell you something before you're on guard.

Amar: what is that?

Ethan: if you can't be on duty outside anymore, just call me. Okay?

Amar: ok

Ethan: great, this and one more thing to add...

Amar: Come on, say it

Ethan: Here's this radio receiver for you, if you go, so you have it just in case.

Amar: Okay, thank you

Ethan: Here you go

Amar: what is that?

Ethan: shock bomb I have five pieces.

Amar: how are you get it ?

Ethan: My father found a military package in an armored vehicle a few days ago. So he brought this.

Amar: give me three pieces, I might need them.

Ethan: Okay. Here you go (gives three pieces of Amar)

Love: and super. And sada odoh.

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