Part 26---This shouldn't have happened ---

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from yesterday's beautiful night that Zoe and Amar enjoyed, and that they loved each other very passionately without stopping, But their beautiful night soon changed, and the situation worsened. Arzina, who after several long months was looking for her cursed target, all over the country, who spent hours and hours as well as days. Arzina, who was on the verge of giving up the search and starting her new life. However, Randall, who is a traitor to his friend Nordan, helps Arzina find her target, if she does a favor for Randall. Arzina agreed to Randall's offer, and she goes to rob the bank. After robbing a bank, running from the police, and who scared many innocent people with her behavior, who almost lost her life, who jumped over an unfinished bridge with her car, risking her life for one thing... to get the location of her target and to catch him and bring him to his father, which she got soon when she handed Randall money that was worth millions and millions. Randall then laughed a creepy laugh and gave Arzina the location of Where He Was; a poor, helpless, innocent, beautiful boy named Amar.

Arzina immediately headed towards Amar, and Randall followed lightly behind her, just to look

Arzina's show and how she kidnaps Amar.

When Arzina found Amar at the disco, she devised a small trap that would force him to surrender to her. As we saw and read in the last episode that she kidnapped Zoe and dragged her all the way to the top of the building waiting for Amar to come, while Amar followed Arzina.

Shortly after Amar reached the top of the building, watching Zoe cry out in fear and scream for help, Amar was hit in the head by Randall, who deliberately joined her mission without asking. Randall asked Arzina to hand over Zoe as a replacement for Amar, where she did and handed Zoe over to Randall, and Randall handed Amar over to Arzina. Arzina drags Amar to the car and goes to her destroyed base to report to her father that she has caught him.

Randall who now has Zoe crying, Randall gives his gang members a letter to deliver to Robin and further complicate the situation as well as make it worse (Fuel on the Fire).

And now we continue the story where we left off.

Amar Pov

Amar slowly wakes up from the shock of receiving a blow to the head

Amar: auch .... my poor head (opens eyes) Amar tries to get the chair up, as soon as he started to get up he found ropes and chains tied to the chair.

Amar: Oh no. (he exclaimed) why?!!!!

Amar is surprised when he realizes where he is. He lost everything, morals, joy, love for his girlfriend, family, planet... Amar was drowning in a strong and endless sadness that would follow him. He was shocked with all the ideas he found and saw. Amar looked at his body and saw that he was no longer in his beautiful suit. Amar starts to cry because of everything he survived, realizing what is coming next.

Amar hears light footsteps coming towards the room where Amar is. He doesn't care about anything. The door slowly opens and Arzina entered behind that door.

Arzina slowly begins to laugh

Arzina: look, look, look, who woke me up!

Amar: (is silent and does not answer)

Arzina: what happened?!!! The sword ate your tongue!!

Amar: (is silent and does not answer)

Arzina: I finally caught you, you little rotten cunt running away from me. (Arzina laughs)

Amar: (he is silent and does not answer, and on the way he releases his tears from his Visor)

Arzina: what happened?!!!! , maybe you miss your girlfriend ....

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