3. part--The end of the old life--

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13.10.2033. Saturday


A new day, a new beginning, and again the same boring day for me

Today I am much more rested than the previous days.

I can't get that dream out of my head, I don't care. I got up from my comfortable bed and went to the bathroom to wash up

After I washed, I changed and went to the kitchen.

I made myself breakfast and put it on the table, I went back to my room to prepare my damn things until my breakfast got cold.

After I put my things in my bag, I went back to the kitchen, sat down on the chair, and started eating my breakfast. I wasn't good at cooking, but I managed. After breakfast, I took my things and went to school.

As I left the building, my phone started ringing. I picked up the phone and answered the call. It was my friend Carl

Carl: so where are you, my friend?

Amar: What's up friend, what do you need?

Carl: Um... I wanted to let you know that you're not coming to school today.

Amar: Why?? for what reason?

Carl: There is no school today, classes have been postponed for a while.

Amar: What happened so there is no school today??

Carl: Well, because of some emergency, they told us not to come to school. Do you want to meet somewhere?

Amar: I don't know. it can!

Carl: Great, let's meet in the park near the City Hall.

Amar: Ok Carl if you say so.

Carl: Be at the park in 10 minutes

Amar: OK OK, I'll see you in the park

Carl: Bye

I ended the conversation and went back to my apartment to leave the bag that I didn't have to carry with me. I left the building again and went to the park to meet my friend. I couldn't take the bus because it was very crowded, so I walked. After ten minutes of walking, I reached the park and found Carl.

Carl: You're here, I thought you'd be late.

Amar: You see, I'm not late.

Carl: Did you listen to the news on TV?

Amar: No, I don't watch much TV, what do you ask?

Carl: some meteors are falling from the sky, so they told us not to come to school. More rest for me. Let's go somewhere

Amar: where did you go?

Karl: Let's go to the cinema, the sequel Alien 3 was released yesterday.

Amar: I don't know

Carl: Come on man, you haven't been out in days. you're in the damn apartment, you don't go out anywhere, and you're too busy with school, after all, you have all good grades

Amar: Good, but I'm only going because you are persistent in all this.

Carl: Great

Carl and I were persistent, so I accepted his offer. The cinema was close just around the corner of a large building. She bought these movie tickets, sat with her, and waited for it to start.

Soon the movie started.

After 45 minutes I was asleep in that movie.

I wasn't much of a horror movie fan, while Carl enjoyed the movie.

Suddenly there is a loud explosion, as if he had that feeling. Everyone who was in the cinema enjoyed the movie while I was skeptical. And then the wall on which the white canvas exploded. I was juicy while everyone was enjoying it. They thought it was a 3D cinema. Out of the crack was a strange creature...

Oh my God !! ... It was not possible, he was the same alien I dreamed about, in a robot suit with fur around him. He was wearing some kind of monitor on his head that showed him various shapes... I was in shock as I told myself it wasn't real

Amar: Cccarl!!!

Carl: What are you talking about, can't you see that I'm enjoying the movie

Amar: This looks like a movie!!!

Carl: Yes

I slap him hard to wake up to reality.

Carl: Why are you slapping me!!

Amar: Look!!

Carl: Who are these guys?

Amar: Your family, they heard that you got a bad grade in math !!

carl: don't talk nonsense.

Amar: Carl. can't you see that they are carrying weapons, let's get out of here

Carl and I started running away from these monsters

When we left the building, there were various monsters on the street, strong explosions were heard everywhere, and there was a lot of shooting.

Amar: Carl!

Carl: Cool

Amar: You're ready for a marathon

Carl: What a marathon!!

Amar: Trči!!!

These monsters started shooting at us, but I passed safely. The bullets passed by our bodies. This is worse than a horror movie!! Carl and I hurriedly ran as fast as we could. Suddenly, a large piece of metal fell between us, which prevented Carl from escaping.

Amar: Carl!!! (I shouted)

Karl: Listen to me, my friend .... save yourself ... run .....

Amar: What do you say, Carl!!

Karl: Run, run!!

That was the last time I heard from Carl, I started running, I was sorry to leave him alone. As I ran, there were a lot of dead bodies on the street. May God have mercy on these poor people. While I was running, I saw a large gray aircraft parked down the street. I looked at that aircraft and continued to run away. When I wanted to step, I got stuck in the concrete that fell from the building. rolling down the street I got up in the spaceship the spaceship was empty when I got up I saw a big concrete rolling down the street. He moved right onto the ship. I'm getting ready for that crash with concrete. When the concrete hit the craft it pushed me hard to the side where I punched the button and it activated. The door closed automatically, and the aircraft began to work and slowly began to rise into the air. When it rose one meter into the air, it slowly returned to space, and then I was dazed.

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