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------ NOTE ----

before I start the story, I added part 8 so you can read the whole part to the end, if there are any foreign texts like (text in a foreign language, or anything else) write to me in the comments so I can correct the mistake, thank you, go to the story. thanks again for your attention

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enemy airfield codenamed --- BLACK DRAGON ---

time--- 12:00 PM

A large space warship slowly lands on the airfield and then stops. The large doors of the spaceship slowly open and out comes NORDAN's daughter named ARZINA.

as she slowly descends, three protogens appear in front of her.

two soldiers and one deputy general

Deputy General: look to see who appears to us. NORDAN's daughter ARZINA. Daddy's princess.

ARZINA: Good afternoon, Deputy ELLIOT

Elliot: how are you today?

ARZINA: Well, tired from the journey

Elliot: Major General, he tasked me with bringing you to him.

ARZINA: Let's take him to him

Eliot: gets in the car

Eliot, Arzina and two bodyguards got into the car and took her to the headquarters where the general was. it was a big airport, so people had to be transported by car.

when ARZINA was taken to the headquarters, she came out with Eliot and they took her to the office of the general in charge.

Elliot: I'm leaving you here for a while, I have some commitments to finish, so bye.

ARZINA: Okay, see you later.

Elliot leaves. and Arzina knocks on the office door.

??? - which one is it?

ARZINA : Nordan's daughter - ARZINA -

??? - enter

ARZINA enters the office and is greeted by General DEVIN

Devin: Welcome to the airport, Arzina.

ARZINA: Thank you for the welcome.

Devin: are you good today, are you ready for the mission.

Your father informed me about this, sit down

Arzina sat down on a chair.

Devin : this is how it is today from my spies they found the location of the target so here is the folder.

Arzina opens the folder

Arzina : yes Amar. I've never heard of that name, but anyway

he's code name is thunder, right?

Devin: that's right, everything you write is there, and the location where he is.

Arzina: eh, great. I start the action tonight

Devin : tonight?! so you didn't even rest properly, you will finish it right away today.

Arzina: What kind of problem do you have with my plans?

Devin : I don't have any

Arzina: Well then, without any unnecessary comments, I'm begging you

if I said tonight I will start the mission and catch him at any cost

Devin: ok, that's your mission, I'm just helping you.

Arzina: he will be caught tonight.

Arzina speaks softly to herself (you've come to the end, little one. it's time to be caught)

Devin: how many troops do you need for that mission?

Arzina: I don't want a lot, just 12 guys

Devin : you don't have too many guys

Arzina: like this Devin: 2 snipers, 5 assault guys, 2 medics just in case and 1 guy who will pick us up when we run away. simple

Devin : oook? how long will that mission last?

Arzina: if everything goes smoothly, it will be in half an hour, if not, then an hour.

Devin: okay, when are you going to get out of here?

Arzina: we leave here at 6 o'clock, we get there, we deploy, and at half past nine. we attack.

Devin: ok, I'll get the boys ready, be ready exactly at six

Arzina: okay (this is the end for you, little one).

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