Part 16--after the rain comes the sun--

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time: 00:30 after midnight

location: hospital

when Robin heard who really wanted to kidnap Amar, it was Nordan who was involved in all this. Robin found out where the last hostile base was, he asked General Daniel to launch an attack on the enemy who was very close to success. General Daniel agreed to Robin's proposal that we will only accept his wish this time, until this whole situation is resolved. Robin had permission to return to the military base and prepare for the attack that would take place exactly at sunrise. While all this was going on in Amar's room, who had been lying for a long time, he finally woke up, not knowing where he was and what he was doing here.

Amar pov

I slowly opened my eyes after everything I had experienced and seen. when I opened my eyes I was again somewhere like at the beginning, but this time the room was different and with a lot of medical equipment. I slowly got up to a sitting position. Everything hurt, I had a bandage around my waist where I had a wound. When I lifted my head slightly, I saw General Daniel sitting on a chair with an angry face.

Amar: General Daniel, what are you doing here, and where am I?

General Daniel: Oh, you're awake, don't stretch too much so you don't open the wound. You are in the hospital.

Amar: (turns his head from right to left) where is Robin?

General Daniel: Robin was here half an hour ago, he was very broken, and he was very worried that he would die.

Amar: where is Robin?

General Daniel: well... you see... even if I tell you where it is, they want you to promise that you won't screw up.

Amar: I promise

General Daniel: he went on a military mission that is about to be set for sunrise.

amar: and what is that mission?

General Daniel: Robin will attack the enemy tonight together with my army.

Amar: oh no .... what if he dies?

General Daniel: then .....

Amar: don't continue that sentence. please

General Daniel: okay

Amar: where is he now?

General Daniel: he is now at the Military Base, he will lead the Alpha team....

Amar: it's all my fault,

general Daniel : what do you mean?

Amar: you can see for yourself, many people will die in that action, and in the rest maybe a new war will be started.

General Daniel: it's not your fault, it's Nordan's fault who decided to start all this.

Amar: what time is it Daniel?

General Daniel: half past two in the morning

Amar: Daniel? ... could you answer me one question

General Daniel: Come on, ask me a question

Amar: did you find out who Arzina is?

General Daniel: Arzina?

Amar: YES

General Daniel: Arzina is Nordan's daughter. what are you asking?

Amar: I saw her last night when they attacked us. she told me that she would injure me and take me to Nordan.

General Daniel: It's no joke that Nordan sent his daughter here to catch you.

Amar: it's not fake, it's true.

General Daniel : this Nordan is stupid as a wheel. where he will send his daughter here to chase you.

Amar: does Nordan have any other children besides Arzine.

General Daniel: he had three sons, two are older and the third is younger.

His first son was called Raner, and the second was William.

Amar: And the third son?

General Daniel: his third son was called Jack. both of his older sons were killed in the defense where we are now.

Amar: they defended this city?

General Daniel: yes many years ago. in this building, they were hit by a shell.

amar : and the third

Genera Daniel: his third son is alive, he didn't disappear especially, Nordan didn't love him because of his behavior.

Amar: what?

General Daniel: He didn't want to kill other people. He was a nice child, his father handed him over to our soldiers and said that he killed 34 people with the upside option, and that option was that he cut other people alive.

Amar: creepy, where is he now?

General Daniel: He is now in prison, his death sentence is in two days.

Amar: what?

General Daniel: these great men of ours dared him to really kill 34 people. I tried to save him, but in vain. his trial is in two days, anyone can attend his death sentence.

amar: poor guy, how do you get him out of there.

General Daniel: you can't get him out of there, he's in the most secure prison. nobody can escape from there.

Amar: Well, may God have mercy on him then, if this situation calms down, we will pick him up in two days, so that I can go on foot, I want to see him.

General Daniel: agreed. I'll pick you up the day after tomorrow.

Amar: call me Robin, I want to talk.

General Daniel: okay

General Daniel calls Robin on the phone and gives Amar.

I will leave you alone so that you can talk to Robin in peace.

Amar: ok

Robin is in the base, preparing to attack the enemy, full of nervousness and anger that he carries with him. suddenly his phone started ringing. he answered the phone

Robin: yes, Daniel

Amar: I am

Robin: Amar, you're alive, thank God, how are you?

amar: that's fine, my wound just hurts

Robin: don't stretch yourself so it doesn't break, the doctors say you lost a lot of blood.

Amar : Robin ... if you are going to fight and destroy the enemy ... please take care

Robin: I want Amar. one more thing, if I come back alive I'll take you wherever you want.

Amar: I don't need to thank you, I just want you to come back alive because I only know you.

Robin: ok, I have to go, take care.

Amar: you take care

Robin: Thank you, kid

Robin: I have to go, take care of me.

Amar: and you too

Robin soon ends the phone call, and then General Daniel enters.

General Daniel: You're done

Amar: yes

General Daniel: well kid, I have to go, I hope no one will attack you.

amar: he won't, what accidents would he have to have if someone attacked him?

General Daniel: lie down and rest, tomorrow is a new day

Amar: I will see you

General Daniel: see you

Genera Daniel then left the room, and Amar settled down comfortably and went to sleep.

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