304 8 7

time: 21:30

when I put the key in the lock and turned it, the door unlocked. I slowly opened the door and entered the huge house that stood in front of me.

the house was large and furnished on two floors. there were many things inside that I didn't have

Amar: how big is this house, why did they have to give it to me for use, I'm not used to this kind of thing.

Robin: you see, the state has a surplus of houses, so they gave it to you to use.

Amar: but I've never had a house like this

Robin: come over here to the living room

I entered the living room and sat down on the sofa.

then robin approached me and gave me some papers and documents.

Amar: what is this?

Robin: your personal documents, read them.

while I was reading my documents, I saw very strange things that I couldn't understand

Amar: hey robin? why was my name changed and what is this code?

Robin: listen to me carefully now, from today onwards you will be called Thunder

Amar: What!!!, who said that!!!

Robin : government

Amar: listen to me Robin, I have my real name, I don't want anyone to call me by another name like Thunder, and what is this code???

Robin: that's your THUNDER name code, in case they don't ask for your name, give them the name code you have now.

Amar: Robin? explain one thing to me, that sentence you said to me outside, what kind of people lived here.

Robin: I won't talk about it now

Amar: you will, now you will tell me everything you know about it

Robin: are you boring about it, I said I won't

Amar: you will!! if you won't, why are your people destroying my people on planet earth?

Robin was silent for several minutes when I said that sentence

Amar: what happened!! I see you are silent, speak

Robin: uffffff; ok, many years ago a big war was fought on this planet, between two sides. some wanted all nations to be united on this planet, and others wanted the state to colonize and exterminate other nations. That war lasted for years, months, centuries, until a treaty was signed that calmed that war. that document was supposed to unite all peoples on this planet, and after centuries, which we lived in peace, now it has returned to the old way again. those people were similar to us, same model, same build, they called themselves a scorpion. for them it should have been associated as a nation that is not afraid of anything. they wanted to create their own civilization here on this planet, we didn't let them do that. We called them traitors to our people here. They did NOT want to fight with us. They made very good technology, spaceships as well as guns. tanks, planes and much more. They picked themselves up and left here in search of a new life and to build their own civilization and state. unfortunately, since your planet was attacked by those traitors, we were afraid that it would cost us our lives. that we will be attacked by traitors, that's why we have to keep you a secret. if they find out about you, it will make them very angry, who knows what will happen then. that's why we need you because you are the key to peace. because if we prove to them that they are doing it in vain, that they are killing innocent people, they will realize that we are right.

I fell asleep listening to him

Amar: well, what is the name of that protogen

Robin : which one

amar: so that scorpion leader


Amar: NORDAN??

Robin: yes, the leader of the Scorpions is NORDAN,

I've said enough, I see you're tired, go rest, your room is on the second floor to the left, right after the first door.

I got up from the couch tired and went to rest from everything I saw and heard.

while Amar goes to sleep and when he finds refuge on the plains, a bloody war is waged by traitors

planet : Earth

the day of the invasion: the fifth day

NORDAN -pov-

NORDAN stands on a rock not far from the city and watches his plan come true

NORDAN: finally, after many years, my plan is coming true, no one will stop me

NORDAN is approached by several soldiers

SOLDIER 1: Leader, how's it going?

NORDAN: Everything is going according to plan, what is the situation in the military field?

SOLDIER 2: Well, we're making slow progress, these people have good defenses, but they don't have the technology we do

NORDAN: They will run out of ammunition, and in the end they will surrender to a great force.

the third soldier hurriedly runs towards the leader bearing bad news

SOLDIER 3: Leader, leader, thank God you're here, I've been looking for you everywhere.

NORDAN: What do you want?


NORDAN: Who would have thought that miracles could happen, if I heard that bad news

SOLDIER 3: You know that spaceship you came with privately

NORDAN: yes and ??

SOLDIER 3 : a man appeared in it

NORDAN: what did he say!!!!! which in my boat !!!!

SOLDIER: man sir, as he started running he fell down the crater and into your spaceship where he activated the button to return to BIOFLAME

NORDAN: What!!!!! how did you let that happen!!!!!

did someone tell you to close the door of my ship!!!


SOLDIER 2: Your daughter, sir

NORDAN: Yes, MY DAUGHTER, I have been preparing her for this case for years

SOLDIER 2: what do you say to the leader (the soldier goes to get NORDA's daughter)

NORDAN: Do you know what that man can do to us?


NOORDAN: he can destroy us!!!!!! , he will destroy my plans .

VOJNIK 2 comes with a NORDAN daughter.

ARZINA: Hello, father, why did you call me?

NORDAN: ARZINA my beautiful and fearless warrior, daughter, how are you today

ARZINA: I'm good

NORDAN: Are you ready to travel?

ARZINA: Which trip?

NORDAN : Give me a picture of that man

SOLDIER 3 : here you go

NORDAN: (gives a picture of his daughter) have you seen this character


NORDAN : your mission to return to the BIOFLAME planet and bring me this character ALIVE understood?

ARZINA: understood!

NORDAN: OK, go get ready, you're going on your mission tomorrow.

ARZINA: All right, father

NORDAN: that guy must be killed at any cost, anything can happen.

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