Part 8 ---NEW DAY---

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location: Amar's house (temporary)

time: 10:12

a new day, a new beginning. It was like I was reborn.

I slept so well that I wanted to sleep some more. but I didn't want to. I got out of bed like a drunk. I lightly looked at the clock hanging on the wall to my right. it showed "10:12" "that's nothing" i slept until 12 in the afternoon.

I went to the bathroom to get ready and start my new day.

when I was busy in the bathroom, he returned to the room to clean it as before. when I got that sorted, I walked out of the room slowly closing the door. I moved down the small corridor until I came to the stairs. I slowly went down the stairs and entered the living room. I noticed there's no Robin?

Amar : Robin!!??

but nothing was heard

Amar: Robin, where are you??!!!

but again nothing, usually he should be there, i went to the kitchen to check if he was there. but when I got in there, he was gone.

I noticed some paper on the table as I entered the kitchen. I approached that table, there was a letter on the table. "a letter?" he said to himself. I took the letter from the table and saw that it was from Robin.

I unwrapped the letter and took the paper on which the message was written

---beginning of message ---

-From ROBIN--

I hope you are awake, you have been sleeping for too long. but it doesn't matter.

Um... I went to the base to get documents and certificates. you know your personal information. if I'm not back in half an hour I'll be doing something else. I prepared breakfast for you in the kitchen, if you want to eat it. I'm just going to ask you something. don't go anywhere outside the yard if you want fresh air. I'll be back soon. be good .

-- end of message---

"what kind of documents now, didn't he give me some documents last night" but it doesn't matter. I'll see what happens when he comes back.

"Now where is breakfast, and here it is!"

I went to the kitchen table, took my breakfast, sat at the chair and ate. After breakfast I went to the living room, lay down on the sofa and thought. what should I do today until the robin comes. I lay there for five minutes, and then I noticed a door that was right on the corner of the wall. I went to that door and opened it. Inside was a small library with many books and records. as I walked down the room I came to a table with a book on it. I picked it up and dusted it off. I was looking for the title of the book but couldn't find it. I took her and went to the living room. I sat down on the sofa. I decided to read that book. I opened the book, five pages of the book were completely blank, the title of the book was written on the sixth page. the book was called "TWO NATIONS LIKE TWO BROTHERS" A little strange book title, but never mind. I turned to the next page of the book and started reading

After an hour of reading the book.

so let me tell you about that book in a few sentences. in that book it was talked about the merging of two nations into one nation, it was also about brotherhood and unity, to return the old life on this planet.

Hearing the front door open and close, I went to see which one. It was Robin.

Amar : and you are

Robin: Ooh, when you're here

Amar : you back

Robin: yes i am back 

Robin walked into the living room and I followed him. he sat down on the sofa and gave me the documents.

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