Part 36---you were here , but you're still gone

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we saw that last game when robin successfully landed on the ground, alone without any help, who was left at his mercy. I was left on an unknown and alien planet that is not his. where life on planet earth has been very cruel lately.

hunger, thirst, war and restlessness prevail on earth, and most of all, fear among its bones.

When Robin first came to planet earth and landed on it, he could see nature as it is still alive and has not yet died in that area. the grass was thick and big. the leaves on the trees were still whole. The moon cast its gentle light on that area, while the stars adorned the sky together with the moon. The clouds that were in the sky were going on their long journey, a journey of no return. They come, go and disappear...

When Robin got out of the capsule, he marveled that this nature had not died yet. We saw and read that Robin met several enemies in that area who were watching and searching his capsule. Robin got into an armed conflict with them, where he killed two of them and took one as a prisoner. Now the two of them are driving in a small transport vehicle to the base where she was attacked in that area.

Robin: tell me, young man, are you sure there is a base located here somewhere?

Zack: yes, it should be there somewhere

Robin: if he's not there, you know what's coming!

zack: (nods his head up and down)

Robin: So we agreed.

zack: yes

Robin: (to himself) traitorous rubbish!

Robin: tell me how long have you been here?

Zack: What are you interested in?

Robin: as it is, purely informative.

Zack: I don't care if I'm here.

Robin: how much is...

Zack : a month

Robin: (silent) a month, is that what you said?

Zack: yes?!

Robin: you've been here for a damn month, on this cruel planet, and you're telling me that you haven't been here for a long time?!

Zack: are you wrong, what did I say!?

Robin: Thank God, it's not my fault.

Zack: Do you want it to be wrong?!

Robin: (turns to him, then back) hello kid, do you want to see your god before you die?!

Zack right?

Robin: well then, shut your mouth!

Zack: ok painful, why the violence?!

Robin: why violence??

Zack: yes, why the violence?!!

Robin : why your redundant comments !!

Zack: I have the right to say!

Robin: so we will, (points the gun at him) listen to me, young man, now we will play a game, you must not speak anymore. did you understand?

Zack: I am!


Zack: (nods up and down)

Robin: good boy, and don't accidentally talk.

Robin: bezobrazni skote.

Robin lightly notices an enemy military base that has been destroyed and abandoned. They came there slowly and left the armored vehicle on a small hill above the military base, and the base itself was surrounded by hills on all sides.

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