Part 18---I finally got you or not---

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For the time being, she prepared a light pistol and went down the stairs with light steps. went down to the 12th floor. The corridor was empty, but cameras were placed at each end of the corridor

Arzina took a small computer and entered the system to disable the cameras. then she continued on with light steps. according to the latest information received by Arzina, Amar should be located on the 9th floor. Arzina continued down the hall until she reached the next set of stairs. It descends slowly so that no one hears. She reached the next one and saw a group of doctors slowly approaching her. Arzina had to think of something, she rushed with quick steps to the room where she was standing before her. When she entered, it was a warehouse, and in front of her was a medical suit. This gave Arzina the idea to dress up as a doctor and easily get to the 9th floor. she hid her light weapon and put on a medical suit. the only thing left is to pray to God that the masking works. on the way, before leaving, she saw a medical mask, put it on her face and left the warehouse. She easily passes through the group of young doctors, but no one even notices her. Arzina was surprised when the disguise succeeded. Arzina continued down the stairs to the 10th floor. He walks slowly down the corridor with relaxed steps. And so she went down to the 9th floor. Arzina had previously received information in which room the target was located. Amar was in room 160.

Arzina slowly walked towards that door until she came. Arzina adjusted herself and knocked lightly on the door and entered with light steps. Arzina guessed the room where Amar was.

Amar: and ... it's you, sister

Arzina: Yes, I just came to check the blood bag.

Amar: okay.

As Arzina introduced herself as a nurse, she slowly approached Amar's bed, gently looking at him as she adjusted the bag full of blood that was above his head.

Amar: You look familiar to me, as if I've seen you somewhere

Arzina: You compared the wrong person to me, sir

Arzina looked at him coldly.

Arzina said a sentence that surprised Amar

Arzina: I finally have you

Amar: What?? what do you mean i finally have you?

Arzina gently removes the mask from her face

Amar: OOOOO SHEEEEETTTTTTT !!!!! (Amar suddenly gets out of bed) You again!!!

Arzina: yes, me again!

Amar: Didn't you give up last night?

Arzina: I never give up!

Amar: Well, we'll see!

Arzina: (moving slowly towards Amar) You're coming with me!!

Amar: (Amar sees the medical knife on the left side of his hand and takes it) move away don't use force!!

Arzina: (Arzina stops) look, look, are you threatening me?!

Amar: I'm serious, I'm going to call for extra help. !!

Arzina (takes out the knife a bit) So we want it like that!?

Amar: (Amar looks at Arzina's knife, Amar was so scared that he didn't know what to do)

Arzina: what's wrong, why did you stop, come on attack me!!!

Amar: (Amar was thinking deeply about what to do)

Arzina: hahah! cowards, first you challenge me and then you fear me (Arzina moves slowly towards Amar)

Amar: (Amar swings the knife and suddenly hits Arza's shoulder with his left hand and kills himself)

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