Part 27---meeting, fraud and arrest---

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dear readers, due to my busy work, I don't have enough time to write the next chapter, but that's why this chapter is special.

why is it special?

because, instead of publishing three chapters in a row, I inserted those three chapters as one chapter (3 in 1) The publishing of this book will be slow, why? because I also have some obligations that take away a part of my writing, that's why, my readers, I didn't have time to write those chapters. Sorry one more time.


After half an hour of fast driving, Robin manages to arrive at the military base in a shorter time. He enters the military base and stops the car in front of the building. Robin gets out of the car and in the meantime his phone rings. Robin answers the phone.

Robin: who is it now!

General Daniel: I'm Robin, have you arrived?

Robin: I am!

General Daniel: ok then, I'm waiting for you in my office!

Robin: OK!

Robin hangs up the phone and then enters the building and moves towards the office. With angry steps, he passes through the corridor of the building and climbs to the third floor. After climbing to the third floor, he turns left and hurriedly walks through the corridor, then enters the office where General Daniel is waiting for him.

General Daniel: (turns to Robin) You have come

Robin: Yes (sits on a chair)

General Daniel: Now, tell me everything that happened?!

Robin: Well, half an hour ago an unknown number called me, I answered that call. That person somehow knows me,

General Daniel: which person???

Robin: I don't know, I can't remember, but mostly, that person somehow recognizes me.

General Daniel: what did he tell you?

Robin: he told me that Arzina caught Amar, after five minutes he sent me pictures, I was shocked when I saw that picture.

General Daniel: did he tell you anything else?

Robin: he told me he had another person, he sent me another picture. When I looked at that picture too, I saw that this person was holding Zoe.

General Daniel: sorry, who is Zoe?

Robin : A girl

General Daniel : ??? ... I do not understand

Robin : Get it

General Daniel: how painful it will be for me to find out when you haven't told me everything, what you expect from me, to know those abbreviated messages of yours that no one uses yet...

Robin : a girl from Amar

General Daniel: What?! ... what did the sick person say?!

Robin : are you deaf ... Amaro's girlfriend !!

General Daniel: real doves

Robin: take care of that now,... we have better things to do!

General Daniel: oh sorry, let's move on... then what happened?

Robin: That unknown guy kidnapped Zoe... Now I'm nervous about whether the two of them are working together to get hold of Amar. I don't know how that man knew that Amar was there???

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