Part 12---a beautiful place to enjoy---

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today maybe a few chapters will come out for today, it depends how many two three or maybe more. so you will have something to do. So enjoy !!!   :3


time: 15:30

after 2 and a half hours to spend in the shopping center. I won't talk about what they took, but I will continue. After Robin bought things together with Amara. they left the mall and headed for the car.

Robin: Ugh... this is hard to buy, there are five million things, half of which are bad and half of which are good.

Amar: well, at least we took something from the store.

Robin: Do you want me to take you to the place I promised you

Amar: maybe

Robin: Let's go then

Robin and Amar got into the car and headed towards the location where Robin said.

Amar: hey robin!

Robin: Say it

Amar: will something bad happen

Robin: what does he think

Amar: so that someone tries to attack me and that

Robin: don't call fate, you see we are doing well.

Amar: Did I forget to tell you something?

Robin: What is that?

Amar: that general told me when he was transferring me here that he would come today to solve the problem.

Robin: oh yes, the general told me to tell you that he won't be coming today because he has urgent business, so he'll leave it for tomorrow.

amar: oh ok.

While Robin and Amar slowly leave the city with the car to Robin's apartment. Amar began to wonder

Amar: Robin, you said we were going to that place of yours, but it was out of town.

Robin: Oh, Amar, because I want to show you something.

amar: what is that

Robin: I told you "nice place", didn't I?

Amar: yes, that's what I'm asking

Robin: here we are, slowly approaching our location.

Amar: how many more are there?

Robin: another half hour drive. and that is it.

Amar: ok then. How long does a protogen live?

Robin: How long?

Amar : yes

Robin: If I tell you...

Amar: come on tell me please

Robin: All right then. Protogen can live for many years

Amar: how long?

Robin : one full ........200 years


Robin: I know, that's two centuries for you.

Amar: OH MY GOD!!!!

Robin : and how many years does your civilization live per person?

Amar: so??

Robin: Come on say it.

Amar: ok.. one person can live from 70 to 80 years old, while some can live up to 90, and maybe even a hundred.

Robin: That's too little for you.

Amar: it's not a passion, that's enough.

Robin: hah, put it aside, we've arrived at our destination.

Robin and Amar slowly get out of the car and Robin slowly speeds up his steps.

Amar: Robin? where are you in a hurry

Robin : I'm in no rush

Robin stopped on the ridge while I slowly approached, when I reached him

Amar: what's wrong, why did you stop?

Robin : look

I looked and saw a beautiful grda with the sun setting behind it while in the sky you could see 2 moons floating around the land where I am now staying. one was a strong lemon yellow, while the other was a strong white. all of it was decorated with a beautiful view of the big city. while the wind caressed my face as I enjoyed the view.

amar: wow, this is ... beautiful..

Robin: like this place.

amar: yes... it's very beautiful to look at.

Robin : I come here almost every day. when I was little I liked to walk around the city and in the meadows and forests, once I accidentally wandered there and saw this beautiful place.

Amar: there is no more beautiful place that I have never seen in my life.

Robin: I wanted to buy land here to build a cottage here, but maybe in the future.

Amar: maybe you will have a chance to buy it

Robin: one day, let's go home, it's late, it will be dark soon, by the time we get there it's already 9 o'clock.

amar: let's go then

Robin and Amar slowly walked back to the car. sat in the car and slowly returned home.

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