Part 31--- I 'M COMING TO YOU

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hours: 15:30

day: Thursday

Robin slowly returns to the military base. Robin is getting more and more nervous and plans to save Amar somehow. Robin Lagano enters the military base with his car and parks the car near the warehouse. Robin Gets out of the car. Robin closes the car door and takes out a cigar box from his pocket, opens it, takes one cigar and lights it. Robin moves towards the front door of the building and goes towards the general. Robin enters the general's office without knocking.

Robin: greetings, general

General Daniel : Robin?!? didn't I tell you to come after five o'clock??

Robin: It's too late for me.

General Daniel: Sit down Robin.

Robin: (sits on the chair)

General Daniel: I have something important to tell you....

Robin: speak!

General Daniel: um...

Robin: ???

General Daniel: this...

Robin : where did it get stuck?!?!?

General Daniel: you are going to save Amar.

Robin: what did he say?!?!

General Daniel: you are going to save Amar.

Robin: Great...

General Daniel: but... you're going alone!

Robin : ALONE ?!?!?

General Daniel: yes

Robin: without any help...

General Daniel: what did you think, that I would risk losing a few more soldiers. !!!

Robin: okay... I have nothing to say

General Daniel: I prepared everything for the mission ... but only ....

Robin: come on, let's talk properly!!

general Daniel: we don't have a location where he lived before, on which planet...

Robin: I'll tell you, motherfucker!!!

General Daniel:  ROBIN ?!?!

Robin: you prepared everything, weapons and spaceships, grenades, but you don't know where they are!


Robin: ME; I don't know anything...

General Daniel: how the hell do you not know, you were with him the whole damn time!!!

Robin: as if I will remember where who lived before... !!

General Daniel; remember the pain!!!

Robin: I think...

General Daniel: what do you mean !!?!?!?

Robin: I think my thoughts are flying!

General Daniel: you're a jerk, what's wrong with you today?!?!

Robin: I think there was ... planet Earth...

General Daniel: Are you sure??

Robin: what percent

General Daniel: what if there is no such planet?!!

Robin: then fuck it

General Daniel: enough banter...

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