Part 25--- Ahh shit here we go again---

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After yesterday's beautiful night between Zoe and Amar, Amar confessed his feelings for his friend Zoe that night, and Zoe fell in love with Amar even more.

The two of them enjoyed the dinner beautifully and talked about their future dreams that await them in the future. After spending several hours in the restaurant, the two couples in love decided to return home. Zoe and Amar returned home and slept in Amar's room, hugging and cuddling from the love they had between the two of them.

Time - 8:30 pm

Day: Wednesday

Amar slowly wakes up from a deep sleep, slowly opens his eyes and slowly looks at Zoe, who was sleeping next to him. Amar slowly gets out of bed so as not to wake Zoe and kisses her. Then he goes to the bathroom and takes a shower. After a ten-minute shower, he dries his body, puts on his new clean clothes and leaves the bathroom.

When he came out of the bathroom, Zoe woke up on his bed.

Amar: morning Zoe!

Zoe: morning love, when did you get up?

Amar: there are fifteen minutes.

Zoe: listen, here I just got up.

Amar: how did you sleep.

Zoe: I slept great. Amar?

Amar: what happened? ( Sits next to Zoe )

Zoe: er... thank you for that beautiful dinner you gave me last night and that you showed me yours

feelings for me.

Amar: Well, it's nothing, it's a small gift from me.

Zoe: my love, thank you so much for this. .

Amar: you're welcome..

Zoe: Actually... I also have a present for you.

Amar: and what is that gift?

Zoe kisses him.

Zoe: it's a little gift from me.

Amar: (blushing with love) h- thank you!

Zoe: (smiled and gets out of bed) I'm going to prepare breakfast, I'll wait for you downstairs.

Amar: Love is valid!

Zoe leaves the room, and Amar lies down on his bed, with a happy face and enjoys the kiss.

Amar : there is nothing sweeter in life than this girl. He would sacrifice himself for her if necessary.

After 5 minutes of lying down. Amar gets up from the bed and leaves the room. He heads towards the front door of the hotel to get some fresh air. . He leaves the hotel and leans against the wall, breathing in the fresh air. After a few minutes, a black car passes him and stops in front of Amar. Amar looks at the black car with a surprised face, the windows of the car were darkened, and a figure inside the car is watching Amar. They looked at each other for a few minutes, and Amar's eyes showed fear, thinking that Arzina was in the car, who had finally found him after a long search. The black windows of the car slowly roll down, and Robin appears from the car with a smiling face on his visor.

Robin: (laughing) oooo look look who's here!

Amar: Robin?!

Robin: yes, I am!

Amar: you little rotten piece of shit, you scared me to death!!

Robin: (dare to laugh) hahaha, what, you thought it was Arzina! (gets out of the car).

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