Part 15---New preparation for war---

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location: hospital

time : 00 : 00 midnight

After last night's fierce shooting, Amar was wounded by Arzina, imperceptibly. Amar was later rushed to the hospital where a medical operation was performed. After the operation, Amar was transferred to another room where he was together with Robin. Amar was dazed for 2 and a half hours. Robin was very worried then and prayed that he would not lose it

Robin : don't give up Amar. don't die now after all this.

Robin was so disappointed and sad, because he didn't want to lose him.

The doctor enters the patient's room.

Robin : it's you doctor.

Doctor: Yes, I came alone to explain that your colleague or friend is fine, he's just in a coma

Robin: ugh luck, it will be fine, when will it wake up.

Doctor: he is in a very bad condition, he lost a lot of blood, I don't know when he will wake up. But I will let you know.

Robin: Can I stay with my friend a little longer?

Doctor: your friend needs rest, and therefore you are in critical condition for him.

Robin: All right, doctor, as you say.

Robin leaves the room and sits in the corridor, sad and withdrawn.

Then comes General Daniel.

General Daniel: Good evening, Robin. why are you sitting on the floor next to these benches in the corridor?

Robin is silent and does not speak

General Daniel: I'm sorry that your friend is in this condition. He will be fine, please come with me.

Robin gets up and leaves with General Daniel.

General Daniel : Robin .. where did you get so many weapons in that house

Robin: When I was in the army I took a few weapons every day just in case and scrapped them.

General Daniel: That's why I notice every day that we're running out of weapons, but now we'll put that aside, we caught those two soldiers who were behind the house, wounded and tired.

Robin suddenly gets angry, full of anger inside, he is waiting to take revenge on those traitors.

Robin: Where are they now?!

General Daniel: why do you ask?

Robin : WHERE ARE THEY NOW !!!!!

General Daniel : in room 341 at the end of the corridor

ROBIN LEAVES with angry steps and clenched fists and stands in front of door 341. He kicks the door and enters the room.

General Daniel: Robin! hey take it easy Robin, take it easy!!

Robin walks towards the soldier who was lying on the bed, with a clenched paw he pokes the traitor.

Robin : who sent you !!

the enemy soldier is silent


the enemy soldier remains silent

He goes to the table and takes the knife in his hands.

General Daniel: hey take it easy Robin, we don't need to solve it by force

Robin : They are traitors and should be dealt with by force

Robin puts his knife to the neck of an unfriendly soldier


The enemy soldier spoke in another language

General Daniel: you're doing it for no reason, you see he's speaking in another language


then the soldier speaks in a trembling, frightened voice

Soldier: Nordan andituma (Nordan sent me)


SOLDIER: WHERE ... SHAMWARI YAKO KUTIMIRIRA (AMAR) ( your friend thunder ( amar ) ).

Robin : UNODA CHII NESHAMWARI YANGU .... MHINDURO !!!!( what do you want with my friend ... answer !! )

soldier: Nordan anoda kuti Amar amubate amuunze ari sukum (Nordan wants Amar to catch him and bring him alive to him).

Robin: hwaro kaiko huripi (where is your base)

a soldier : hwaro hwedu kheda yendege isiri kure neguta rako kodhi zita - dhiragoni nhema -. (our base is an airport not far from your city, code name -- black dragon -.)

Robin swings the knife and stabs it on the bed next to the soldier, while the enemy soldier cries how scared he is

General Daniel: how do you know their language??

Robin: I come from them, but I serve this country.

General Daniel: and what did he say?

Robin: Nordan wants Amar alive to be caught and brought to him. their base is not far from the city code name -- black dragon --

Robin walks towards the door

Gebneral Daniel : Robin !! where are you going ?'

Robin: I'm going to surprise them

general Danile: alone without any army

Robin: so what

General Daniel : and your friend?'

Robin stopped

Robin: Daniel !!1... gather the army and we'll start attacking them when the sun comes up, even if it ends up in a court-martial

general Daniel : but ??

Robin : now ... or they'll hunt us until they catch him

general Daniel: this is the last time I will do you a favor..

General Daniel calls the main military base and orders them to attack the enemy military base codenamed -- black dragon --

where is this story leading us, is it leading us to a new war or something else entirely. We'll find out soon

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