5. Super Duper

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"How are you feeling?" Davina coed getting Visenya more tea.

"Better." She said softly. "My stomach still hurts."

"I know baby, but I'm glad you are feeling better."

"I think I need a cookie." Visenya remarked.

"Oh?" Davina laughed as she tucked her in. "Are cookies good for tummy aches?" Visenya nodded. "Alright, I will see what I can do."

"Thank you mama." Visenya said as Davina kissed her forehead.

"How is Visenya?" Baelon asked waiting outside her door.

"Feeling better enough for a little cookie, can you pick one out for her?" Davina requested.

"I will be right back!" Baelon declared. Davina saw the similarities between Daemon and herself and her own twins but she also saw the differences. Baelon loved Visenya, he took care of her. He put her first, made sure she was okay and always ran to her chambers in the morning to wake her up with a kiss on the cheek.


Viserys was getting his daily treatments as per usual when Davina came in to check on his status. Birds were chirping in the early morning sunlight as Davina pushed the curtains open.

"Gods its stuffy in here Vis." Davina declared.

"Hello Dav." Viserys rasped.

"Fresh air is good for everyone. Let's get some of this death like stink out of your room." Davina declared. Viserys coughed out a laugh.

"I want to have supper, Dav." Viserys remarked.

"Now?" Davina countered. "In the morning... sure forget eggs and go on to stews first thing. Whatever you want Vis.'' Davina agreed patting his back.

''Tonight." Viserys corrected.

"Ah, tonight. Much better. I adore breaking fast." Davina agreed.

" The whole of my family... are gathered at the Red Keep. I want us...'' Viserys struggled to keep his breath. ''to dine together.'' He groaned as he moved, the pain to much.

''Bring milk of the poppy.'' Davina instructed.

''No. Just arrange the supper.'' Viserys murmured. "Are you alright love?"

"Super duper." Davina agreed as he handed him some water.

"Daemon and Rhaenyra are here. I know you Dav, you are not fine." Viserys corrected.

"I'm going to head outside and get some fresh air myself." Davina offered. "The less time I have to see either of them the better."

"Good idea." Viserys remarked.

"Great fucking idea." Davina declared pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead.


"Davina." She wanted to rip his head off. Gouge his eyes and dismember him piece by piece.

"Busy." Davina hissed as she kept walking.

"Im sure you are." Daemon agreed catching up to her. "Ive been busy as well." He smirked she didnt even have to turn around to know. "Did you meet the tw-"

Davina had enough. She was done being nice. She sent an elbow back into his nose and Daemon faltered back. A swift kick under his legs and he was one his back with a thwack. He groaned out as he lay in pain below her.

"Know that if I didnt have to deal with this stupid fucking petition right now I would rip you apart!" Davina declared before stomping away. Daemon lay there his nose bleeding his head throbbing unable to find the strength to rise.

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now