48. Being Yours

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Aemond took Sara back to retrieve Luna from winterfell and a few more of their things since they would be staying while Davina was in wedding mode for Alyssa and Jace. 

"Take a break." Cregan begged pulling Davina to a stop. 

"I never got to plan any weddings, this is actually fun when its not mine." Davina remarked. 

"Thanks Davina," Seamus teased as he passed, she blew him a kiss. 

'THere is a story there." Cregan realized. 

"I was like Aegon the conqueror." Davina offered. "I was already wed when I married Viserys." Cregan stared back at her confused. "It's a long story, someone should make a book of my life for future Davina's, like a guidebook of what not to do and how to kill husbands the easiest." 

"I would read it." Cregan agreed. "Learn all your dirty little secrets." 

"You want secrets, just ask. I'm an open book now that my enemies are dead." Davina decided. 

"Mini Dav, she wants a puppy." Cregan recalled. 

"Yes." Davina agreed. "I gave her a dragon egg but you know thats boring compared to a puppy until it turns into a baby dragon." 

"Is Prince TOmmen okay with-"

"Tommen will agree with whatever I want and I want MD to be happy. She wants a puppy." Davina agreed. 

"You are sort of obsessed with your kids." Cregan informed her. "I have never a person like you that puts their kids first always." 

"I try to." Davina agreed when Egg coed out waking up from his nap. 

"I got him." Cregan assured. 

"You are a good father to them." Davina remarked. "You know you are not allowed to leave now. You are mine and theirs." 

"I dont want to go anywhere." Cregan assured. "I like being yours." Davina blushed turning her cheek so he wouldnt see. She felt like a kid with a crush again, thats how cregan Stark made her feel. 


The castle was in wedding central for the next moon. Cookies, cakes, all the food tested and prepped and now Davina was onto wedding dresses. Of course her little Alyssa picked a dress with flowers and vines and the drinks, Davina, Tommen and Seamus were concocting and Alyssa squealed when Davina delivered her rose petals, little mini rose buds encased in an ice cube. Sara was glad to be included in the festivities. Visenya assured her that she was family too now. 

Luna liked castle life as well, no more prancing in the snow but rolling around in the sand and chasing fury out of the pits. MD had adopted Luna into her chambers at night. Tommen knew they were never going back to sunspear now. Not that he wanted to, he missed being surrounded by family. Liked that Mini Dav got to have siblings, cousins, family that doted on her constantly. He feared the day her egg hatched and she would be flying and unstoppable just like her role model, Queen Davina. 

Then her dress had little vines and roses stitched into the fabric, if Alyssa didnt want a dress like this they could have gotten married sooner but Davina wanted Alyssa to have everything her little heart desired. From food to dress to any little think Alyssa wanted, she got, Davina wanted her and Jace to have the perfect day, the perfect wedding in hopes for a perfect start to a great life, filled with love. Davina took her time doing Alyssa's hair and delicate touches of makeup, Alyssa was already so beautiful. Davina couldnt believe her baby was getting married, it seemed like just yesterday that Davina was holding Alyssa in her arms. Kissing her goodnight, and tucking her in, now she was to be a married woman.

"Do I look alright?" Alyssa questioned running her hand over her dress again.

"Beautiful." Davina assured.

"You think he will like it?"

"I think he has been smitten with you for years. You could walk down the aisle in rags and he would still very much want you." Davina assured adding a butterfly clip to Alyssa's hair. "Perfect."

Aegon walked Alyssa down the aisle and Davina leaned into Aemond as Alyssa and Jace said their vows. Aemond glanced to Sara as she beamed back at him. He averted his eyes quickly but she blushed whispering something Aemond couldnt hear to Cregan. 

MD was playing with her new dress she thought it shimmered and wouldnt stand still. Visenya spun MD around laughing out. Baelon was hypnotized by his twin as he always was. The youngest twins sat babbling with Seamus and Tommen.

Davina looked around at the friends, the ally's they had made, those loyal to her and her family. Avalon, Willas, Vaera and Aelyx, Gaena was excited to fly silverwing out with her husband and kiddos as well. Davina couldnt be more grateful. The road to get here, to this seemed never ending, filled with hate and betrayal but looking around now all she felt was love. Cregan grabbed her hand and that smile made her weak.

"Ive never liked weddings." Davina said softly as she held onto Cregan. "But this one..."

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