18. Break and Burn

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"You are much too young and way to sexy to be a grandmother." Cregan agreed.

"Thank you." Davina replied as she pulled at the bread in front of her. Luna stared at the food resting her chin on Davina's lap, her tail wagging in hopes for a bite too. "But Jace, Luke and joff came home and... then Daemon came flying over and I was ready to kill him."

"Did you?"

"What part of me being almost dead in the forest makes you think I won that fight?" Davina countered.  "You got anything stronger then tea?" Davina pondered taking a sip of the scolding hot liquid. 

"Too hot?" Cregan pondered as he got up. 

"I like it hot." Davina corrected and a smile pulled at his lips. 

"I'm sure you do." Cregan agreed. "I will get you some wine."

"Stronger." Davina begged. When he returned Davina was mindlessly petting Luna's head, giving her little pieces of bread. 

"Your grac-"

"Stop." Davina begged as she grabbed the bottle. "I hate titles. Always have." Cregan sat at the end of the bed as Davina broke the seal and took a long sip. "This is good." Davina remarked. 

"Why were you going to kill your brother?" Cregan questioned because how could he not? The last time a stark had been in the capital was for Rhaenyra's heir naming ceremony. It only seemed right that the queen who supposedly usurped the crown was in winterfell now. 

"The list is really endless at this point." Davina remarked. "But heart break thats the damn thing that kept me from finishing it. Me and my fragile little heart."

"You loved him." Davina nodded slowly. 

"I hate him too." Davina added. "I was a fool. I was an idiot. I was... I am... Gods I'm an idiot."

"Love makes people do stupid things." Cregan offered. 

"Were you ever in love Cregan?"

"No." Cregan admitted. His gaze shifted to Luna again as she got up licking at Davina's half eaten meal. "I know you are worried about your kids but, Davina you need to rest, you are no good to them if you show up half dead."

"I need to look for Fury." Davina countered. 

"You rest I will look for your dragon." Cregan offered. 

"He's just as moody as me." Davina corrected. "If he's hurt like I know he is, he is going to think anyone that is not me the enemy." 

"With a name like Fury." Cregan agreed. Davina shifted in bed looking out the window the snowy abyss around them. "Tell me about him." Cregan requested. "Tell me about Fury... did he hatch? Thats what dragons do right? Or did you claim him?" A small smile appeared on her face as she settled back into the bed. 


''I think one day you are going to have a raging fury inside of you. The way you beat up daemon. Dragons fire is a fury like no other.'' Viserys had remarked many, many, many years ago. ''But a heart of gold.'' He assured. Davina looked up at him her hands still on their mothers dragon. ''Fire.'' Viserys told her but she smiled pushing her hands harder against the dragon and said so clearly it should have been warning of what was to come.


''Fury?'' Alyssa, Davina's mother had asked ''no her first word cannot be fury.''

''It was clear as a summer day.'' Viserys assured. ''Go on Dav.'' Viserys encouraged. Davina stared up at him. ''She said it I swear.''

''Ooh ooh''. Davina pointed at her egg on the fire. Viserys put her down and she ran on very unsteady legs for about two steps before falling to her knees before crawling towards it.

''Davina!'' Alyssa declared as she pulled her egg back from the flames. ''Honey you will hurt yourself.'' But davinas hands were not burned as she cradled her egg to her. It cracked slowly and davina was hypnotized. Out popped a little head and Davina smiled down at him. He squawked up at her.

''Fury.'' Davina said and Alyssa took a step back. ''Fury. Fury. Fury.'' Davina repeated as he broke free of his egg and stared up at her. ''Fury!'' She exclaimed. She pulled her dragon to her and kissed him over and over again. Daemon reached out for him but Davina clutched Fury to her. ''Mine.'' Davina told him.

''Goodness get her a dragon and she really starts talking.'' Baelon remarked. Daemon started to cry looking to his own egg. He reached out for Fury but Davina pushed him back.

 ''Mine. My Fury.'' Davina shouted.

''Your sweet baby girl.'' Baelon remarked with a laugh. She held him up for them to see.

''Fury!'' She exclaimed.

''I see my love. I see him. So handsome.'' Alyssa told her.

''Mine.'' She showed Viserys and he knelt before her and he ran a hand through her hair.

"Your Fury." Viserys agreed.

"Fury." he squawked up at her. "Fury." Davina said again and again. "FURY!" she clung to her dragon. Alyssa thought Davina was going to hyperventilate the way she was breathing so excited, so fast, her eyes wide. "Fury!" 


"Thats adorable." Cregan decided. 

"Yeah, well... I'm adorable." Davina agreed. 

"And modest too." He mused. 

"I hear that all the time." She teased. "And they say it just like that too." Luna rolled over showing Davina her stomach and Davina reached out, maybe this very needy wolf wasnt so bad after all. "What about Luna? When did you get her?"

"We had fires a few years back," Cregan remarked. 

"Not dragon fire." Davina offered innocently. 

"No, just unhappy people trying to make a mess." Cregan informed her. "And I heard these little whimpers, it was the middle of the night, but the moon was full. I remember walking by this pile of broken and ash covered debris of a building perhaps and I couldnt find where the little whimpers was coming from. Then finally she let out a little howl. I passed her three times before I realized she was a wolf not debris... her thick black fur among the wreckage..."

"Wow you really are a do gooder." Davina remarked. 

"She was wounded, I nursed her back to health with Sara." Cregan added. 

"Wow, like a really, really good person. I bet that gets all the ladies lining up when they hear that story." Davina mused. 

"Oh yeah." Cregan agreed smirking back at her. "Heart throb right here." 

"You tended to the broken with your Luna and I break and burn with my Fury." Davina remarked. "What the pair we are."

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now