14. Spiral

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"Catch me." Davina told Fury as he did a roll and Davina let go of him landing on top of Daemon. They spiraled down as Caraxes struggled, Fury nipping at him and Davina gouging at Dameon's eyes from behind. He flailed with the reigns trying to throw her off of him.

"Bitch!" Daemon spat throwing an elbow back at her and Davina looked to Fury as she fell back arms out wide and the smuggest of looks on her face as Daemon stared down at her and just like that she was caught, holding to Fury's wing as she tried to pull herself back up.

Davina saw daemon land on the ground and lowered fury with him.

''Daemon.'' Davina said calmly as he approached.

''Davina.'' He retorted

''What was it like? Breaking my heart and fucking our niece?'' Davina spat.

''You made your choice.'' Daemon reminded her

''And you daemon. You made yours. ''

Fight fight both panting for breath. Could she kill her brother?

''Is this how it is going to be? You and I fighting against each other? Viserys is dead

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''Is this how it is going to be? You and I fighting against each other? Viserys is dead. I dont love Rhaenyra. This is our chance.'' Daemon told her.

"There is no you and I." Davina corrected. "The crown is not yours!"

"It should be mine!" Daemon shouted. "after all we went through, you can't honestly say that we don't belong on that throne together!" Daemon demanded but Davina was past his good looks and false smiles. She saw him for who he was.

''You know there are a million ways to kill the one you love but the slowest way is never loving them enough.'' Davina told Daemon and he stared back at her.

"Viserys didn't love you, he fucked you, pumped you with heirs and so did I. Aemond is mine is he not?" Daemon sniggered.

"Aemond is mine." Davina corrected.

"You didn't love Viserys." Daemon told her confidently.

"But I did." Davina informed him. ''Do you really want me to tell you how he brought me back to life?''

"We were brought into this world together, you want to leave this world together to?" Daemon questioned stepping closer.

"I think I would prefer being an only child at this point." Davina countered

"I want you." Daemon told her.

''You just want the fucking crown!'' Davina seethed. "What I want and what you want do not align, they never have!"

''I want you too.''

''No. You want yourself.'' Davina corrected.

''You're the closest I'm going to get to it.'' Daemon offered with a cheeky grin but Davina was not amused.

"My heels are higher than your standards.'' Davina told him simply.

''Aemond. He is a handsome fellow. Doesnt look much like Viserys. He has a lean build like myself...' Daemon provoked again.

''Aemond is not yours''. Davina hissed

''No? You took a tea did you?" Daemon rose a cocky brow back at her, the smuggest of looks on his face. " No I think with everything going on you forgot and you bore my child.'' Daemon sniggered. ''Let me be a father to him.''

''Oh? As you are to Rhaena and Baela and Jace and Luke and joffrey however many more fucking children you have!'' Davina shouted back.

''Does it hurt to look at him, look at Aemond and think of me. Our night. Our love.'' Daemon taunted

''Aemond is my baby. Not yours''. Davina hissed. ''Do you even care that viserys is dead? Do you even care that our brother is dead? That I love him? That im sad? That I miss him?'' Daemon shrugged in answer and davina scoffed. ''I cant believe I ever loved you.''

''But you do. You still do.'' Daemon told her closing the distance between them. ''You know you do."

''I cannot let you burn me up, nor can I resist you. No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed." Davina told Daemon. ''But I am not mere human.'' Daemon smirked a hand on her waist.

''It's always been me and you we came into this world together.'' Daemon whispered.

''We are not leaving this world together.'' Davina hissed pushing him back.

"What are you going to do with that?" Daemon mused looking to the blade in her hand.

"Im going to kill you." Davina whimpered.

"No youre not."

"Yes I am." Davina willed the words to be true.

"No. You like me too much." Daemon corrected.

Davina imagined killing him. Imagined Daemon as he choked for breath collapsing before her and she couldnt do it.

"Aegon is king. Just accept it." Davina demanded. Davina felt herself breaking all over again.  But she couldnt kill him. She couldnt. She marched off getting back on fury but Daemon didnt love that idea. He could not would noy accept that. So he ran to Caraxes. Maybe davina wasnt strong enough to kill him but he was pissed enough to kill her.

"Im not done with you Davina!"

There goes the spiral.

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