24. Plump

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Cregan woke up thinking it was a dream but he was wrapped around Davina. Her ass pressed into his crotch, his arms wrapped securly around her, his face in her neck.

He held onto longer never wanting this moment to end, he thought they fit together perfectly.

Davina was wide awake. She should have been removing herself from cregan but hell he was warm and a good cuddler and she felt his breathing shift against her and knew he was awake too. So she kept her eyes closed. Seeing which one would bend first.

Cregan held her closer and it made Davina smile.

"Hi." Davina whispered and cregans breath hitched in his throat. "You dont have to move. Im quite comfortable." Davina assured him. So he held onto her.

"Last night was... nice." Cregan whispered. 

"I think thats the first time I have ever slept with a man and just slept." Davina remarked looking back at him. 

"You had sex with your husband every single night?" Cregan countered. 

"Once you are married it doesnt count." Davina corrected. "Oh, Seamus, never mind you arent the first but are the most enjoyable."

"Dont know if I should take that as a compliment." Cregan countered. "I'm the most enjoyable... like cuddly? Plump?" Cregan mused. 

"Yeah... sure." Davina agreed. "You said it not me." she reminded him when his jaw dropped. 

"I dont know if you are mistaking blankets for abs." Cregan countered and Davina rolled over bringing a hand under his shirt, he watched her, his body tensed at her touch. Her fingers trailed over his abdomen. 

"I should check on Fury. Me petting you stomach is less rewarding than petting Fury. He at least purrs in return." Davina remarked and Cregan's head tipped back further into the pillow as Davina got up. 

"You want me to...." Davina glanced back at him. You want me? He wanted her and that was a stupid idea. 

When they finally did get out of bed though Davina wanted to check on fury. He was her baby. Her first baby and her closest baby. Come on ravens Davina begged them to come. She needed to tel her family she was okay and just in the middle of the north- nowhere- winterfell.

"Fury!" Davina called out. He came bounding towards her.

Fury was feeling better. That was clear but he wasnt in love with the snow. He tumbled down the hill rolling in the snow.

"FURY!" Davina screamed out chasing after him as he tumbled down the snowy hillside

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"FURY!" Davina screamed out chasing after him as he tumbled down the snowy hillside. Clearly he wasnt in tip top shape. He could do barrel rolls in the sky zoom around arrows and obstacles like a pro. Yet here he was stumbling through the snow injured hurt and davina couldnt fix him.

Davina slid down the hillside much to cregans grumbles that you are going to pop a fucking stitch. She got to Fury and he looked up at her nesseled in the snow. He cocked his head and watched her a bit dazed from his tumble.

"Hi baby, its okay

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"Hi baby, its okay. You are okay. Cregan is going to fix you." Davina coed hugging fury tight.  Right. Cregan had to get back to work on that fixing fury situation. When Fury was flight ready, Davina would leave, simple as that. Cregan didnt want her to leave but she had a family, children, the kingdoms waiting for her. They couldnt play house, she had a real family to get back to. 

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now