9. Let Them Burn

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Davina needed a minute to just breathe. Every thing was go, go, go and she didn't have a moment to process she lost her brother. Her lost her husband. She lost the father of her children.

"Where's mama going?" Visenya asked coming up behind Alyssa.

"I think she is going to start a fire." Alyssa said calmly and Aegon and Aemond shared a look before getting on Vhagar and Sunfyre and chasing after her.

"We will back Alyssa." Aemond called down.

"Mother is okay right?" Baelon asked.

"Not yet. But she will be." Aemond agreed.

"I wanna come!" Baelon shouted.

"Me too!" Visenya agreed immediately. "Mama needs me!"

"No." Aegon shouted down to them. "Alyssa-"

"I got them. Come on lets go look for those Cornish pixies," Alyssa told them taking each of their hands. "I think they like the dragon pit." She added.

Davina slid off Fury and stomped around, she shouted out and Fury roared with her.

"You understand." Davina was telling fury when the boy landed. "You get it, after everything and now... just... but he is not in pain but I don't want Rhaenyra's children to suffer." Fury stared back at her "I love Jace and Luke and little Joffrey. Aegon will be king." Fury nodded in agreement. "You get it. I just needed to scream and... your wanna blow some shit up with me?" Davina asked rubbing her hand along his scales. "That always makes me feel better." Fury nodding again.

"Is she okay?" Aemond questioned.

"mama!" They called out.

"Dracarys!" Davina demanded and the barren land in front of them erupted in a fiery haze before smoke filled the air, black, swirling with greys as the smoke rose. Fury looked to Davina as she slumped to her knees. She felt the heat as she reached out her hands. She tasted the smoke as she lay back Fury settled next to her, he rested his face right next to her, she felt his hot breath on her as she closed her eyes.

"Mama!" they watched the smoke rising and billowing before them as they ran to Davina.

"Does that sound like my boys?" Davina asked Fury and he lifted his head to them.

"Mama!" They called running to her. She clung to them.

"Hello honeys..."  Davina whispered.

"Are you okay mama?"

"I'm fine...' she held tight to them. "I just really needed a hug.... Thank you."

"Are you sure you are alright?" Aemond asked.

"Your daddy knew that sometimes I just needed to explode and then I was fine." She told them. "I'm fine loves... I'm fine." She said holding tight to them.

" She said holding tight to them

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Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now