32. Midas Shits

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The new tail featured a dual pedal system that allows lateral and horizontal movement along with dorsal and vertical movement of the tail. This new tail also incorporated an auto system. This dual-mode allowed the tail to switch from manual riding mode to the automatic mode. With this tail, fury was capable of flying on his own. That was the goal at least.

Davina requested it, if Cregan was able because they worked together when flying, Davina liked to be on her feet.

Cregan then modified the foot controller on the saddle to accommodate the foot pedal attached to the left side of the saddle.

"In case it gets stuck or you need a boost." Cregan offered.

"Or if its doesnt work on its own." Davina countered and Cregan shrugged. Davina looked to Fury.

"I think its going to work." Cregan offered. "I hope so."

Cregan built a new version with a modified pedal designed for Furys old tail that didn't work, it was replaced with a darker brown auto-tail that had no cables or wiring whatsoever and gave him the ability to fly on his own.

"Cregan about this morning-" Davina began. 

"Already forgotten." Cregan countered. 

"Thats not-"

"It's fine, you were right." Cregan assured grumpily. 

"I know I was." Davina agreed. "But...  What is the opposite of Midas touch?"

"What?" Cregan countered confused. 

"Midas touch, whats the opposite of it?" Davina demanded. 

"Midas shits." Cregan pondered. 

"That's what I have. Everything I touch turned to shit." Davina informed him. "I like you and I can't promise you anything because my life if messy and I turn things to shit sometimes like great guys that save me and build fucking tails for my dragon out of nothing..."

"You need shit to grow. " Cregan offered simply. He pulled Davina to him, kissing her as Sara ran up, her jaw dropped. 

"Am I a princess? Are you two going to get married? Can we go to the capital?" Sara rattled off questions and Davina pulled back but Cregan kept a hand on her waist. 

"Davina is scared of commitment." 

"I had a husband for over 19 years, many children with said husband, that is commitment." Davina corrected. 

"Get up on Fury." Cregan countered and she moved to Fury shaking her head. 

"This better work Cregan." 

"You think I would sabotage you to keep you here?" Cregan mused and Davina stared back at him. "I wouldnt because that would be wrong." Cregan assured. "Also dangerous." 

"Sovegon!" Davina declared. 

"Remember to-"

"I know how to fly." Davina called back and she looked at Fury's new tail as it adjusted in the wind. Going good so far.

"You and the queen, like together, together?" Sara squealed. 

"It's temporary." Cregan corrected. 

"Does it have to be?" Sara countered. But Davina was right, her place was in the south with her family, he was warden of the north, lord of winterfell, he couldnt live in the south... even if he wanted to.

"Look at Fury fly." Cregan declared pointing at them. 

"He's so beautiful." Sara agreed. "You did it! You made him fly again!"

"Seems so..." Cregan agreed unable to believe his eyes. He had never made anything for a dragon before and now, they were flying with his invention. Davina stood up and Cregan tensed. The flying on his own part was a request and since Davina was now confident in Cregan's ability she wasnt going to question his skills to make that work. 

"You ready Fury?" Davina questioned. He needed happily as they flew, it was good to have his wings back. "Catch me." She leaned back, extending her arms and dropped. 

"Shes falling!" Sara exclaimed. "Help her!" 

"Get the horses we will-" Cregan began but Fury swooped down grabbing her, on his own. Cregan clapped out as he watched them. Fury did a flip showing off as Davina got settled on his back again. 

"Okay baby, lets go tell Cregan good job." Davina instructed and Fury swooped down again he hoovered before Sara and Cregan gleefully before landing with a graceful thud in the snow. Luna ran up to Fury licking at his scales and Cregan ran to Davina. It felt nice to be held again, with two hands. 

"You did it. Never doubted you." Davina whispered against him. 

"Yes you did." Cregan countered. 

"Lets celebrate! That was awesome can I go for a ride?" Sara questioned. 

"Sure thing, but Cregan gets first ride, he created the contraption after all it only seems fair." Davina remarked. 


"Fury." Davina clarified smirking back at him. 

"Does he want me to?" Cregan countered. 

"He's very happy he can fly again." Davina agreed. "He is grateful for you too." she assured. Davina took cregan's hand and pulled him up with her. A smile curved his face as he felt Fury's warm scales. Fury didnt give him one dirty look as he climbed on behind Davina. "Hold on tight." Davina instructed as Fury leapt into the air. It was the most magical thing Cregan had ever experianced, flying with the woman he loved, he fixed her ride home, she would be leaving him. So he clung to this feeling of falling in love and flying through the clouds clinging onto Davina for dear life. 


"Sara wanted to have a party, but I said we needed to change, I smelt like smoke." Cregan remarked. 

"Thank you again Cregan I can't thank you enough, you got Fury's flight back." Davina declared. 

"I'm... I'm glad I could help.'' Cregan agreed. "I'm going to miss you when you leave though."

"I am going to miss your frozen face too." Davina agreed, Cregan chuckled smiling back at her. 

"You think-"

"Take that off," Davina instructed and Cregan stared back at her silently. "What's the point of dressing up when all we want to do is undress each other?" A slow smile spread across Cregan's handsome face, and his eyes began to gleam.

"You're so right," he said, and walked toward her, unbuttoning his shirt and letting it fall to the floor. "I don't know what I was thinking of."

"Neither do I." Davina agreed. 

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now