47. Boy Crazed

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Vulnerable / Daeron Targaryen out now!

Cregan pressed a small kiss to Davina's cheek, then to the edge of her jaw. She tilted her neck, hoping his kisses continue their path.

 The corner of his mouth creases into a smile, causing his dimple to appear. He continued kissing the side of her neck—softly, sweetly. His hands traveled up and down her curves until they heard the pitter patter of feet running the halls. 

"Thats Egg." Davina remarked. He found out she didnt mind the little shits. Aegon jr, Aka Egg and Viserys Jr. AKA Vizzy. 

Cregan got two children with Davina very quickly without even having married her. He would be lying if he didnt want to experience the toddler years of a kid he could raise as his and somehow the Gods delivered. 

"Is today the day you take tommen home to pick up mini you?" Cregan questioned. 

"It is." Davina agreed. Her smile widened. "I can't believe its finally happening. I dont know who is more excited me or little Dav." 


Davina and Tommen took off on Fury, Davina told Tommen the whole way, I can't believe you kept her from me for this long, I should have been notified the moment she was born, I would have kidnapped her and brought her to the capital. Tommen nodded along because it was better not to argue with Davina. She was usually right. 

"Here we are, she will have seen Fury and you are already leaving me." Tommen remarked as Davina slid down. 

"Mini me!" Davina declared and little Davina gaped back at her.

"This is her?" Mini Davina questioned. Tommen nodded. A shriek of excitement left her lips as she ran to davina hugging her tight. "I have wanted to meet you my whole life!"

"Thats MD for you. No hug for daddy?" Tommen questioned.

"I love her. Im keeping her. Davi gorgeous you want to come to the capital?" Davina questioned picking her up, little Dav wrapped her arms and legs around Davina as if they had known each other their whole lives.

"Would I ever!" MD shouted hugging still to davina. "Oh oh I know this is fast but-" davina pulled out a dragon egg from her bag. "And shes a mind reader!" MD declared.

"See tommen someone understands my brilliance." Davina agreed. "MnM i love this dress!" 

"Its red and sparkles!" MD agreed. 

"MnM?" TOmmen questioned. 

"Mini me." Davina remarked. "Keep up... Oh mini me, I have all the red and sparkly dresses for you at the capital, whatever you want. I'm going to spoil you!" 

"As if I dont." TOmmen murmured. 

"You don't. You kept Davina from me for years!" MD declared. 

"True." Davina agreed. "What do you say, we pack a bag and head to the capital?"

MD showed Davina around her room as she packed up. Claiming we dont have to come back, I will like the capital more, MD assured her father. 

"Can you be my mama?" MD questioned. Davina's hand went to her heart. 

"Yes." Davina agreed. 

"Davina." Tommen moaned. Both Davina's look at him. "This is going to be a lot of Davina." he realized. 

"Yes." They agreed happily. 

Mini Dav was born to fly, Davina asked again if Tommen had slept with a Targaryen because she knew she was his type. He assured her he didnt. But MD was born to fly. 

"Are you to going to get married?" MD questioned as her arms extended to her sides. 

"No." Davina corrected. "Your daddy is my best friend and I love him and I love you, so much... but we are just friends." 

"But you can still be my mama.' MD confirmed. 

"Yes." Davina agreed. "Because every girl needs a mama." Tommen loved Davina all the more for it, he knew she would take little Dav under her wing, 

"Do you have a boyfriend?" MD questioned as they landed. "Is that him?" she asked excitedly. 

"Thats her son, MD." Tommen corrected. 

"He's cute!" MD declared. 

"Kid has good taste." Davina agreed. "Hi baby, meet mini me. This is Davina Martell. MnM this is my son, Aemond." 

"Nice to meet you Davina." Aemond remarked. She did her best curtsey and Aemond bowed before her. 

"He's cute, I'm going to like it here." MD decided. 

"Were you this boy crazed at Four Dav?" Tommen pondered. 

"No, I was dragon crazed at four." Davina corrected. 

"Who's that?" MD questioned. 

"Davina's fuck boy." Tommen whispered in Davina's ear. She swatted a hand at him. 

"Cregan Stark and his sister, Sara." Davina corrected. 

"Stark, thats with the puppies, can I have a puppy!" MD questioned running off. 

"She certainly isnt shy." Davina remarked. 

"I'm telling you Dav, she is you reincarnated." Tommen declared. 

"Are you Davina's boyfriend?" MD questioned. "The one with the dogs?" 

"I'm..." Cregan looked to Davina. 

"You are!" MD agreed. "Wow, I'm her new daughter, can I have a puppy?" 

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