7. Bad Timing

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''Come on, come on. That's it.'' Davina encouraged helped Viserys back into bed. Giving him his teas tucking him in. ''Oh... Well done.''

''I'm sorry.'' Viserys rasped

''Shh.'' Davina coed.

''I'm sorry.' Viserys repeated again.

''Shh, shh, shh.'' Davina coed. "You did so great today. It was nice to see you on the throne." Davina remarked. "I know the kids liked seeing you." Davina went on. "You rest now Vis."

''But you wanted to know... if I believe it to be true.'' Viserys told her softly.

'' Believe what to be true, Viserys?''

''Don't you remember? Aegon...''

''Our son?'' Davina questioned confused. "Smart ass, handsome, likes to start fights, yeah I know him well." Davina agreed.

'' His Dream. The Song of Ice... and Fi... It is true. What he saw in the North. The Prince That Was Promised.'' Viserys said in a daze

''I don't understand, Viserys.'' But she understood.

''The Prince.' Viserys told her

''Prince Aegon?'' Davina questioned. "My baby?"

''To unite the realm against the cold... and the dark. It is you. You are the one. You must do this.'' Viserys told her softly ''You must do this.''

"Do what?" Davina questioned putting his tea aside.

"Aegon..." Viserys whispered. "To be king."

"My baby?" Davina asked again needing to be sure.

"Our baby..." Viserys agreed. "Aegon..." he reached a shaky hand out to Davina's stomach. "The baby we made. The baby... you raised such a fine young man. All of them Dav."

'' Shh, shh.'' Davina coed as Viserys let out a deep breath and Davina blew out the candles.  ''I understand, Viserys... rest we can talk more in the morning." Davina suggested.

"I... love you." Viserys said through a thick breath.

"I love you." Davina repeated kissing his forehead. "Sleep Viserys, I will see you in the morning."

His breathing became short as Davina headed out.

''My love.'' Viserys said softly thinking Davina was back he saw her smiling face in his mind, his breaths growing shallow and then they stopped.


Davina woke with her shoulder and collar bone out of place. She sat up pulling her arms back as the door opened. Talya heard the crunch of her joints setting back into place.

"Your grace."

"I think Viserys should get some sun today, I think it will be good for him to leave that stuffy room." Davina remarked. "I also want all his linens cleaned again." Davina went on as she pushed the blankets off of her. "It smells like death enough in there." She remarked. "I also need to speak with-"

"Your grace."


"The king is dead." Davina couldn't process the words she spoke.


"The king, your grace. He is dead." Talya repeated and Davina felt her heart stop.

"No... he's..." Davina felt dizzy.

"He is your grace."

"You're sure?" Davina questioned and Talya nodded once and a sob escaped Davina's lips.

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now