19. Purification

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Kill 'em with kindness / Gregor Clegane out now!

A bath was drawn and when Davina requested scalding water, walls hot to the touch the handmaiden thought she was joking.

Davina glanced back at Cregan as he removed one of her bandages, they had stitched her back up in a few regions and he was focused on her shoulder blade not the look she was giving him.

"Stark." Davina sent a gentle elbow back into him.

"Dont want to hurt your injuries by burning the already broken skin." Cregan corrected.

"I walk through fire and come back unburnt." Davina corrected. "I can handle the water." Cregan blinked back to her.


"Literally." Davina agreed.

"Still..." he imagined her walking through fire like a goddess. "Fresh wounds-"

"Need to be purified so they dont get infected." Davina added.

"Purification through fire." Cregan rasped. Davina stared at him. "Take your time, I will keep an eye out for your dragon."

"Fury." Davina agreed. "Know that I dont say this a lot, really ever and yes I know I'm a bitch. But thank you Cregan." 

"Youre welcome."

Cregan watched from the door way as Davina let her robe fall to the floor and stepping into the bath sinking down into the warmth.

"I need some parchment, I need to tell my family I'm okay." Davina added not turning to him, knowing his gaze was on her. Cregan cleared his throat.

"Yes, of course." Cregan agreed. "Um..."

"Yes?" She drawled out. 

"You dont remember me, do you?" Cregan pondered. 

"Remember you?" Davina countered confused. 

"We met before, it was a long time ago." Cregan remarked. 

"No... I'm sorry." Davina admitted. 

"I was a kid." Cregan offered with a shrug. "I think it was the princesses..."

"The birth announcement tourney." Davina recalled vaguely and Cregan nodded. 


Davina half expected Daemon to show up at Rhaenyra's announcement for her first child, the heir's heir. After all that was how they got back together, at Viserys heir celebration before everything turned upside down. Daemon could be here and that made her anxious. Davina didnt trust Daemon to be civil. He had ran off married Laena and fled, fled westeros. At least he wasnt being difficult in westeros then it would be Davina's problem. But he could never say no to a tournament. A spectacle. To show off.

"Rickard, welcome." Davina remarked as she got to the tourney floor. Aemond, Alyssa and Aegon peered down from the viewing box with Viserys and Rhaenyra. "This must be your handsome son, Cregan."

"Your grace." Cregan bowed his head to her.

"Thank you for making the trip." Davina remarked. "It's a long ass journey when you are not on dragon back."

"Worth it." Rickard assured pressing a kiss to her hand.

"And who is this?" Davina questioned.

"My bastard, Sara Snow." Rickard introduced and Davina tsked.

"Women dont like to be introduced like that Rickard." Davina remarked. Sara was just a baby, barely a year old but she smiled up at Davina. "You say this little cutie is Sara, my daughter." Rickard felt an embarrassed blush rise in his cheeks.

"Most people-"

"Do I look like most people?" Davina teased.

"Certainly not." Cregan agreed.

"Are you competing?"

"No, your grace." Cregan answered. "I'm not old enough-"

"And not experienced, I wont have him getting his head chopped off." Rickard added.

"It's a handsome little head, it would be a shame." Davina agreed touching Cregan's chin. Rhaenyra watched Davina moved around the knights, the families so effortlessly. How they all loved her. Spoke to her as though she were an old friend, family.



"The Martells?" Cregan pondered. "You know the princes of dorne well? I remember you calling to them as if they were family."

"Yes... Tommen is my best friend. I havent seen him in ages but, some friends stay forever." Davina agreed with a heavy sigh.  Davina studied his face again. "You were just a kid." Davina agreed.

"We both put a few miles on us since then." Cregan agreed. "I will let you get cleaned up." 

"Hey," Davina called out. "You still have a handsome little head." Cregan chuckled. 

"And its still a long ass journey to the capital." 

"Dont remind me." Davina grumbled as she sunk into the water. 

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now